By Magie

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Full Moon Energy Forecast Scorpio, May 5, 2023

Channeled message for the Full Moon in Scorpio, May 5th, 2023

We’re about to round off the eclipse season and our Full Moon in Scorpio on May 5, 2023 is a lunar eclipse. Expect deep emotions, a bit of chaos, and opportunities to let go of deep rooted issues, wounds and behaviors. Stay with your practice to keep yourself afloat.

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The themes for this Full Moon in Scorpio, and for us to work with during the rest of the Lunar cycle are:

  • Express your emotions

  • Letting go gently

  • Circle Back

Express your emotions

Scorpio is all about deep emotions. All may seem calm on the surface, but underneath there’s a raging river with emotions, creativity, confusions, and darkness that needs to get tangible. 

A raging river who suppresses her feelings, her wills and wants will eventually flood over with pain and frustration. We can avoid explosions through sweet movement, creative expression and by learning how to voice and understand our emotions and feelings. But it has to come from inside ourselves, the willingness to let go, surrender and do the work we need to be able to learn the language of our emotions. 

In this lunar eclipse, we might get help from turning towards the taurean sun for guidance. Especially if you have a tendency to go deep and dark and like to stay in murky waters, the void of the womb or simply in pain, now is a good time to look up and meet the sunlight. Conversely, if you tend to avoid the pain, your feelings and the darkness from your past, now is a good time to face it without turning away. 

Regardless, we are called to meet old wounds and emotions and to give them a name.

Let the full moon in Scorpio set the pain free! There are many ways to express your emotions and for the coming weeks, you’ll go through a range of attempts to find what suits you. You’ll also notice how you might need to shapeshift and use various types of languages and arts to express that which wants to be heard and seen. 

Expressing your emotions is an infected wound for most of us that we carry in our DNA since the suppression of the Goddess started.

Therefore, we all carry a variety of garbage of our own karma, ancestral pain and collective pain that needs to be cleansed and cleared so that it won't stand in the way of birthing the new world. This is a big topic and for many of us, something we continue to work with all through this lifetime. Remember also that that’s what we’re set out to do in this time! 

We live in a transitional point in herstory where we work on healing the old wounds, let go of past and dysfunctional structures of suppression, while simultaneously practicing Being our own Light. Because it is from our own unique light that the new world and the new way of living can be born.

And the goddess shall rise again, like the phoenix from the pain. 

We will explore this topic further in my upcoming moon training: Full Moon Workshop. It’s a weeklong journey of practices and circle work to aid you in being your own light, hold your energy and bring it out into the world. We can do so since we meet in the virtual circle and immediately implement the practices in everyday life. Hence, this training is for you if you feel ready to be all of who you are, in every aspect of your life. Read more and save your spot here. Remember also, that the work we do is based in a framework of practices but what the week will actually look like is up to you. I guide the group intuitively from your journeys, questions and the topics you want to bring to the circle. Register here. 

Letting go gently

We have a great opportunity now to learn how to let go in a more gentle manner. The great goddess of the underworld meets the great goddess of love in this eclipse and, used wisely, we can utilize both of their energies to let go more softly, more lovingly and maybe even with pleasure. This is in comparison to your previous experiences, practice and in regards to what you’re journeying right now. 

The goddess of distortion births beauty from the chaos.

Don’t be surprised if you experience some sort of chaos in your underworld, and that which is related to it. All is welcome in the arms of Mother Earth, and you are needed. Your beauty is needed, and your beauty will expand as you allow yourself to face all sides of you and let go with grace. 

With practice, there comes a time when you’ve had it with repeating the same old stories, dramas or karmas. At that point in our awakening, we’ve reached a maturity that might even show us beforehand what it is we need to let go of and, thus, we can do so with more present awareness than before. This is when a whole new level of letting go steps in. I explore this further in the video full moon forecast here. 

Don’t be hard on yourself if you don’t know, if you seem to be wrapt up in confusion most of the time.

All is practice and all is coming. The important thing is that you step up to face yourself and your emotions that surfaced in that previous theme. Being with it helps you see things more clearly and gives you hints of how to proceed. You might get a chance to choose, while in the middle of the letting go process. So the most important thing to remember is to stay present and be gentle with yourself as you ride the strong currents of this scorpio full moon. 

Circle back

You might experience this full moon as more inward drawing than usual. We still have Mercury retrograde which will have us re-evaluate over and over. The deep emotions of scorpio may also be dragging us inwards to do our work with our shadow side, the divine feminine and anything that has been put on the shelf for way too long. Add to that, there’s a full lunar eclipse, letting us see in the dark. Do your practice and all is well.

The worst thing you can do right now is to ignore it.

You will know, unless you already do, what “it” is. Ignoring it or trying to keep the lid off is like forcing the lid on a pot of milk on a burning stove. The milk will seem calm at first, but at a certain point she boils over in a furious volcano-like behavior, until there’s nothing left. Is that really what you want for yourself? Or anyone nearby?

Circling back, then, means the constant re-evaluation of self; look back to your practice and the themes around the new moon; meet that uncomfortable feeling in the stomach that wants to tell you something; and do the work needed to let go of that really old stuff once and for all because you simply can’t hold back any longer! 

Prioritizing yourself, your emotional language, and wellbeing in this way will have huge payoffs. It’s not always easy though. And, yes, we’re each on this journey of life alone, yet there’s a great opportunity to find support on the way, as well as growing the ability to support yourself in your process! That's really invaluable wisdom. 

If you feel ready to commit to your own process and being held by the sister circle, while taking full responsibility of your own journey, we’d love to have you in the Moon Circle Workshop. Click here to read more and to register!

Full Moon Ritual

For our Scorpio Full Moon Ritual, you need some bolsters or big cushions to support you. Roll out your mat or a soft blanket on the floor and have the cushions and extra blankets nearby. 

Wide-legged child’s pose

Sit on your knees and put the bolster in front of you on the mat, or make a pile of cushions. You could also use the edge of the sofa if it’s low enough. You want to create a sturdy yet soft support for yourself for this practice. 

Lean over the bolster or cushions so that your entire upper body lays on top. Rest your forehead down, or one cheek. 

Widen the knees and get closer to the bolster. Let the arms rest on each side. 

Breathe deeply and lean into the support of the cushions as you relax and practice to become aware of what you’re letting go. 

Stay in the pose for at least 5 minutes, and as long as you need. 20 minutes might be a good time. Remember to change sides of your head. 

In the video, we do a meditation together and I mention things I don’t write here. Be sure to check it out too!

Moon Reflections 

Write down how you feel in your body and mind after the full moon ritual you just did. 

Write down 3 ways you can express yourself, to yourself, that you haven’t thought of before (i.e. if you’re a painter, maybe writing is an option and vice versa). 

Follow up with this question:

  • Am I afraid of my own shadow?

Let the answer come as you write….

Feel free to share with our community about your insights. In the comments to this post, or email me directly. I answer all emails I get.

Ometeotl, In Love,


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