By Magie

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New Moon Energy Forecast Gemini, 18th of June, 2023.

Channeled message for the New Moon in Gemini on June 18th, 2023

Feel the heart softening and allow your true voice of love spring from that soft place inside. When the heart is melting, the mind is quick to follow. Learn how to give the mind loving yet firm instructions to change, to elevate the conscious mind. Then accept more, love more as you meet all sides of yourself, practicing staying balanced while moving between the two (or more!) sides that is you.

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The themes for this New Moon in Gemini, and for us to work with during the rest of the Lunar cycle are:

  • Heart Openings take us to our Voice

  • Elevating the mind

  • Embrace dualities to find balance

Heart openings take us to our voice

We’re not only called to open our hearts, but we are so ready to do it! The warm sun melts our hearts open here in the northern hemisphere as we move towards the summer solstice. If you’re in the southern hemisphere, let the rest take you to a deep soft place within as the sun will rebirth. 

The softness available now allows for expansion of the ability to love. Love yourself, the earth and all her beings. This love, in turn, opens a portal to the true voice. When we soften and lean in to the motherly, earthly openness that is grace, love and bliss, we will be able to speak more freely. You might find your voice changing physically! Try out new tones of voices, new wordings and play with the way of communicating, all from the heart. 

When anger flares up (and it will at times, firstly because there needs to be a release of the old, secondly, because everything has two sides to them, especially so in Gemini Moon energies), ask yourself if you can meet it with your new softness.

Either in the moment of anger, or after, is there a way you can meet yourself and others involved with more love, grace and space holding? There is always an opportunity to change, do differently and evolve. Honor that. Honor your natural urge to change and expand. You’ll notice how quickly you embody change and new wisdom now. 

Our new embodied wisdom is that new voice. A voice of truth, spoken from a deep place of love for all even when the truth cuts like a sword. The divine feminine roar can be fierce but loving. To create true, lasting change while giving Her, the Great Goddess, restitution, we roar from a place of non-judgment, non-preaching, and all-love. This is easier said than done but now is a potent time to practice. 

Practice speaking your true voice, with love, and feel your heart softening even more. If you fail, get back up and try again.

Relationships are meant for this. In relationships, we hold each other, support one another and we practice facing our dark and light mirrors. Yes, all kinds of relationships and communities! Just be aware that different relationships deal with different topics! When we know how to be the support for ourselves and others in our relationships, great things can happen as we are in safe spaces for growth and development. Be aware that relationships will be highlighted during the new moon cycle in Gemini, as playful Gemini likes to learn through meetings and fun!

Elevating the mind

The New Earth energy, as I mentioned in this video, invites us all to consciously question old thought patterns. 

There are various ways of becoming aware and awake. Also, awakening occurs on a physical level as well as mental and spiritual. It is when we are opening all levels, integrating the waking states into everyday life when we start moving towards being truly embodied spiritual beings on earth. 

At a certain level in the enlightenment process, we become so consciously aware that we need to and can shift frequencies, mental nerve codings, and old ways of thinking ourselves. Ourselves then meaning, without being in a set healing ceremony, working with plant medicine, or other ways of cleansing and resetting the system. Rather, we feel how the vibrations of the words, thoughts, old ways of doing things or seeing things FEEL OFF. And we act on it, we find new ways to bring the mind into a higher state of consciousness instantly, in everyday life, in our relationships and our work. 

This energy is available for all of us now.

However, elevating the mind energy sprouts from a groundedness in working with the high love frequency that I’ve mentioned in previous forecasts, and which is the foundation in our first theme for the new moon in Gemini. So, my sweet friend, do your practice of living in love and the rest shall follow. Simply pay attention to thoughts that feel outdated, and words that have a low vibration in your body - and when you do notice them, change! Change it. Try out new words, create new thoughts! Follow the vibration that feels good. 

Embrace dualities to find balance

Gemini New Moon brings a profound need to move, to be able to stay flowing and balanced. For some of us, this is important medicine as balance cannot be attained or held in stagnation. Gemini shows us that there are two sides to everything, and as we live on planet earth, everything is made up of two; the holy masculine and the holy feminine. 

We all have a light and dark face or phase. We all need to honor our dark goddess energy, the one where we journey to the underworld to clear out old wounds, emotions or whatever’s stirring! Likewise, we all need to honor our bright goddess energy, the one where we journey into joy, bliss and compassion and create from that place. During the New Moon Gemini transit, we have great support for balancing all sides of us, through accepting them. 

If you feel called to honor and connect with the New Moon Phase and Earth Goddess side of you, I’d be honored to have you in the New Moon Earth Goddess Workshop. 

This powerful workshop lets you explore the archetype of the divine feminine that is connected to the earth element and new moon phase. Using shamanic practices, visualization, journaling, personal inquiry and energy work, we dive deep into the archetype of the Earth Goddess and New Moon Phase to cultivate a deep sense of connection to our inner and outer cycles. 

Click here to learn more! You get a 20 % discount until June 18th. 

When we do the work of our own darkness, it’s easier to accept the darkness of others. (That is not to say that we accept evil). In addition, our ability to hold space grows. During the new moon gemini cycle, you’ll notice how you’re being pulled between an outward going energy and a more reflective, silent energy. Which one to act on, and what to choose to dive into, depends on your journey at any given moment. To avoid confusion, I highly suggest sticking to your cyclical routines. Check out my Free Workshop 4 Phases of the Moon to learn more about this topic, you find it here. 

Remember to stay moving, as a bicycle; move the wheels to maintain balance. We’ll learn more about a gentle and consistent flow during the coming weeks, when we move between movement - stillness, socialization - alone time, at a faster pace than usual. 

New Moon Ritual

For our New Moon Ritual,  choose the most comfortable position for you at this moment; standing or sitting. If you have a chance to do this moon ritual outdoors, I recommend doing it as it takes you in deep contact with nature energy. 

Anchoring a soft heart

Establish a strong seated or standing position where you feel the contact between your feet or sit bones and the earth beneath you. 

Inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth. 

As you exhale, start sending your root down into the earth. 

As you inhale, lengthen the spine and connect the top of your head to the sky.

Do as many rounds of breath as you wish, until you feel settled and ready in your connection to the earth and the sky energies. 

On your next inhalation, draw the infinite love from father sky into your body and descend it to your heart. 

Exhale, root deeper down into the earth. 

Inhale, draw the unconditional love from mother earth into your body and ascend it to your heart. 

Continue for as many rounds as you feel called to. 

Finally, settle in your own heart. Breathe in and out through the heart, using the energies from mother earth and father sky to expand in your entire heart space. 

Relax with every breath, and expand with every breath. Feel how you create more space with your breath. 

Close this practice with drawing the energies into your heart, fill the heart space and center it with your breath inwards in your body. 

Open your eyes when you are ready.  And continue with the practice below. 

In the video, I guide us through this new moon meditation and I mention things I don’t write here. Be sure to check it out too!

Moon Reflections 

Write down how you feel in your body and mind after the new moon ritual you just did. 

Reflect on your current journey with these question:

  • In what direction am I being pulled, right now?

  • What is my relation to the Earth Goddess like?

Write the answers intuitively to yourself. Without thinking, just let the pen flow on the paper….

Feel free to share with our community about your insights. Join our free telegram group, where we share, support and deepen our practices and journeys into any of the moon training, arts, conversations and forecasts I offer. Click here to join

In Love, 

Magic Magie 

Ps. Journey this New Moon Phase with me! New Moon & Earth Goddess Workshop is now open. 20% discount until June 18. Click here to learn more. 

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