New Moon & Earth Goddess Workshop
New Moon & Earth Goddess Workshop
Honoring and connecting with the Earth Goddess & New Moon phase
This powerful workshop lets you explore the archetype of the divine feminine that is connected to the earth element and the new moon phase. Using shamanic practices, visualization, journaling, personal inquiry and energy work, we dive deep into the archetype of the Earth Goddess and New Moon Phase to cultivate a deep sense of connection to our inner and outer cycles.
Learn to gain more energy, flow and balance in your life and practice by tuning your cycles to the one with mother earth and the moon. We connect with the Earth Goddess within us and around us, we walk with her until there’s no divination, only oneness. We connect with the New Moon phase within us, and around us, we journey through ancient wisdom and tools to get practical and integrated in our daily routines. We enhance our own unique voice through shamanic practices and herbal connections.
This workshop is a series of audio journeys, as well as accompanying supportive practices to deepen your experience even more, while starting to live from these new energies in everyday life.
Note: you can work with the new moon and earth energies whenever you feel the calling, to deepen the connection, heal and peel layers again and again.
Your invitation: Watch this first!
This workshop offers practices to honor, connect and heal your relationship to Mother Earth, Grandmother Moon and the Earth element within and around you. Working with the earth element and new moon phase together, gives you an acceptance of yourself; your divine feminine, and the essence of the feminine powers. Some or all of the benefits you might receive from this workshop include, but is not limited to:
Enhancing your intuition
Start leading yourself from your intuition
Leading from a more heart & womb centered space
Increase or awaken your inner spiritual leadership
Take control and be in charge of your own life on earth
Understand your earthly purpose more clearly
Start or develop the living from your earth purpose and soul’s calling
Initiating and acting on dreams
Regulate the nervous system
Deepen connection with your menstrual blood
Increase awareness and acceptance of your blood and cyclical body
Heal your relationship to Mother Earth
Heal your relationship to Grandmother Moon
Enhance your ability to hear moon messages
Deepen your connection to the earth
Learning how to self-revise and evaluate your path, projects and situations
Living from a more grounded place, and knowing how to return to that place when needed
How to invite new energy
Increase your ability to manifest
Increase fertility
Increase Mother archetype
Understanding your body in deeper ways
Connecting to your wisdom
Increase your divine feminine powers
What women are saying about By Magie Moon Trainings
“Magie’s teachings come from and through her own being. She doesn’t do the work for her students but let them do their own work to grow! ”
“The ceremony felt very grounded and loving. Like someone rocking my soul into peace. Knowing that the stillness is there when I give it time to flow….You transmitted the connection that I’ve been looking for and I feel so grateful for that.”
“Being in Magie´s circle training helped me stay with a continuous practice of the cyclical wisdoms. And this truly gives a strength like nothing else in this world! I learned that I don’t need to walk this path alone, the importance of grounding for my own wellbeing and energy levels, and how to faster connect to my own inner source of present awareness.”
“I would definitely recommend anyone interested in embodying holistic women practices to join Magie’s moon training! ”
You’ll receive
Earth Goddess audio journey
New Moon Meditative audio lecture
Supportive practices to enhance your connection and journey with the Earth goddess & New Moon phase
Affirmation, Summary of lecture, and Herbs suggestions to work with.
Bonus Materials:
Roadmap How to Live in Tune with the Moon (printable workbook)
Playlist Earth Goddess
About your Space Holder Magdalena Chandrakaí
For more than a decade, Magdalena has worked with shamanic practices hosting women’s circles, moon trainings, sweat lodges, journeys, healings and gatherings around the globe.
Growing up as a Highly Sensitive Person in a very confusing world, and being initiated to the shamanic leadership path already as a kid, Magdalena had to find her own way of navigating life on earth. After +20 years of studying, practicing and integrating shamanism, moon wisdoms, herbalism, astrology, yoga, Ayurveda, ancient women teachings, channeled messages and more, she’s developed practices that take us into our bodies, psyche and souls, while gently inviting the conscious mind to accept and re-pattern our behavior. The result is a loving yet powerful and embodied transformation.
Magdalena is a graduated Moon Dancer of the Mexica tradition, and has studied extensively with shamans and plants in South America as well as in the North. Today, she lives with her family in the south of Sweden, where they work with the medicine from Mother Earth, the elements and the Moon every day. Her art and space holding brings a loving, safe and generous space for you to expand in your awareness and connection to the divine feminine of your own soul, all at your own, safe pace. Magdalena’s mission is to support our awakening to the divine feminine in an embodied and sustainable way, so that we start to lead from our heart and womb space. She fuses ancient teachings with grounded and practical tools that suit our modern life while fostering deep connections to our roots.
“I enjoy having the space and time to land in myself together with other women, and to have time during the circle to do reflection work- each of us in our own ways. The circle gave space and energy to collect what was and how I’ll continue on my path, with a sense of togetherness….”
“Last Saturday’s Temascal was a profound healing and inspiring experience to me! I would like to thank you again for your kind and loving guidance throughout the day and night!”
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