Still the mind - a journey of nature’s wisdom (poetry)

Still the mind - a journey of nature’s wisdom (poetry)

“As I write this, I sit by the sacred fire on our land. The sky cleared up after a heavy rain, the breeze moves the ash trees and birds are slowly singing their post-rain songs. I am deeply grateful for this sacred space and for the fire that holds my meditation. It is time to burn and process. Integrate wisdoms. 

Some time ago, I did something I’ve said for years that I would never do. …”


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Poetry evening: Behind the pen

Poetry evening: Behind the pen

"Behind the pen I can use words as cover for identity. I can tell you everything and release it all without knowing wether it happened or not. And maybe you don't know either. (...) "

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Poetry: Cover Me with Me

Poetry: Cover Me with Me

Found this piece lying about in the Notes in my phone....

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Hej Babylon

"Inatt drömde jag om Babylons fall. Stora explosioner och eldsvådor regnade runt oss. Det var allvar med lättnad i luften. Vi krigade inte mot människor utan mot system och rädslor. Captain Jack Sparrow..."

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