Birth Story Love Dalian Chandrakaí 25.04.2021
/The birth of Love Dalian was a very different experience. Our planned assisted home water birth took a surprising turn.
Read MoreThe birth of Love Dalian was a very different experience. Our planned assisted home water birth took a surprising turn.
Read MoreThe challenge here is to consciously choose the path of divine flow.
I am not talking about
following the divine flow of signs and symbols,
of making conscious decisions,
of will and determination.
No. To consciously choose the path of the divine flow involves all of the above. It is an awareness of your own journey, path, teachings and all the while being in complete surrender to life’s mysterious unfolding.
Read MoreFull Moon in Scorpion on May 7th, 2020.
Voice the truths of Magic, Mysticism and Intuition.
Through your art and your ways of living.
Only by doing so, we can change the system.
Read MoreEn stark energi av pånyttfödelse sveper in med månen och vårvindarna nu. Väduren kommer ta ett väldigt språng framåt i sin utveckling, om än på något darriga ben. Men detta lilla, inre barn är redo för mognad och att släppa taget på ett helt nytt sätt nu.
+ vårdagjämning
+ energiuppdatering ang viruset
Read MoreOm senaste veckorna tagit oss genom en påminnelse om att ha tillit till det gudomliga så skiftar nu energin till den analytiska sidan av myntet. Dagen innan Merkurius går direkt igen sker vår Super Moon i Jungfrun och känslan av att vilja hoppa rakt in i agerandet, att handla och göra kan vara stark. Men allt är fortfarande oklart och osäkert så vi gör bäst i att hålla huvudet kallt.
Read MoreMercury is about to go retrograde.
In both Pisces AND Aquarius. This will occur February 17 - March 9, 2020.
Do not panic!
Read MoreMagdalena Chandrakaí Yoga Teacher & Curandera. Yoga, Healing, Shamanism, föreläsningar, yogakurser, Livscoaching, Personlig Vägledning, Personlig utveckling. Privat Yoga. Medveten Gravidyoga. Mama-Baby Yoga. Kvinnocirklar.
Sverige Costa Rica
Free in your inbox every turn of the moon + surprises and free community circle.
Make sure you add me to your address book and I'll see you at the next turn of the moon!
“Maggie is an amazing yoga teacher and cook as well as an all around amazing person to be around, have a conversation with and get to know! She is a beautiful healer, and all of her classes are well structured, thoughtful and genuine, and I would recommend them to anyone!” Nicole, USA
"Jag blev mer inspirerad. Jag kände avspänd, lugn och inre frid. Tack Magdalena!"
“Last Saturday’s Temascal was a profound healing and inspiring experience to me! I would like to thank you again for your kind and loving guidance throughout the day and night!” Tine, Belgium
"Den (ceremonin) gav mig bättre kontakt med mig själv och min kropp. Genom avslappningen och rörelserna kunde jag slappna av och vara mer närvarande. En effekt som stannade kvar efteråt när jag kom hem också."
"Hey Magdalena, I must tell you, I really enjoy reading your news (Moon) letters." Ellen, Sweden