Örter för Magi och Ritualer: Rosor

Örter för Magi och Ritualer: Rosor

Rosen är symbolen för Maria Magdalena och gudinnans väg. Både den vita, rosa och den röda rosen är starka symboler sammankopplade med Maria Magdalenas lära av villkorslös kärlek. Även gudinnorna Isis, Afrodite och Venus ses tillsammans med symbolen av en ros. Hon är en kraftfull andlig medicin och en traditionell kvinno-ört världen över. 

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The Dark Goddess

The Dark Goddess

We have darkness and lightness. We are in constant movement. We change and we have eruptions. 

We also have anger outbursts, both from how our Great Mother is being treated since it’s in our DNA, core and blood. But also from how we as women (and mothers) are being treated, and have been for centuries. The suppression is suffocating.  

Does that mean it’s OK to 


throw plates

turn into the grinch


cast angry spells and

call people bad names ? 

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The Full Moon and the Chat bot

The Full Moon and the Chat bot

Embrace the Sacred Connection: Tap into the Mystic Energies of the Full Moon Phase

I cannot help but feel that there’s NO soul. Sure, I’m a writer and writing is my art, my voice and my lifelong practice. But don’t you prefer that I - a person with a soul - speak from my heart to yours? 

What I’ve been sharing in my Conscious Business Communication throughout the years, is precisely that; communicate from heart to heart. 

I feel like a chat bot like Chat GTP is taking us even further away from the future. 

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New Moon Energy Forecast Virgo, September 15th, 2023

New Moon Energy Forecast Virgo, September 15th, 2023

Channeled message for the New Moon in Virgo, 15 of September, 2023

When finishing what we’ve started, we can harvest some really juicy fruits. Being picky in your choices at this time truly means practicing discernment at a more conscious level of awareness. In turn, choosing wisely brings more clarity and a grand opening for embodying our life’s calling.

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Full Moon Energy Forecast Pisces, August 31st 2023

Full Moon Energy Forecast Pisces, August 31st 2023

Channeled message for the Super Full Moon in Pisces, August 31, 2023

Embodying the mystic lets us bring the ancient, forgotten and hidden gifts of magic to earth, and our daily lives. Consider all life to be sacred. Consider all days a ceremony. Consider all words a prayer. How would that feel? Would you love your life more? 

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New Moon Energy Forecast Leo, August 16th 2023

New Moon Energy Forecast Leo, August 16th 2023

Channeled message for the New Moon in Leo, August 16th, 2023

Feel your feelings and don’t hold yourself back is what we’re being encouraged to do right now. Come back to your path, continue bravely forward with an open and humble heart. Can you learn how to hold yourself, and let you feel seen and heard? Invite your plant allies to support you on your journey towards self mastery and a brave heart.

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