Finding Fire in the Cold

The third chakra is about doing. The yellow. The Fire. Do you want your dreams to come true? Then you need the fire in your belly to glow.

As it gets colder and darker outside here in the Northern hemisphere, I find it harder to maintain a strong fire within. Makes sense really; rain is putting the fire out. The Vata weather is trying to break down the sunny heat, but we want to keep balance.

So, at the same time as we want to cuddle up inside and maybe do some traveling within, we need to make sure that the fire won’t go out- or it’ll be way too cold.

Some firey memories from this summer's yoga festival

As always, my yoga mat is my answer. On my mat I travel within and on my mat I find my fire. To clarify: the easiest way to get more fire is through the body. Do something physical. Personally, I enjoy (and many times find it easier) rolling out my mat together with others- sharing and spreading light through the darkness. Or, like this memory from a Swedish festival I attended this summer:

If you want more inspiration about doing check out my latest rebelle article!

This is a good time to get to that doing. On Sunday, November 3rd, we have a New Moon Solar Eclipse talking about renewal, rebirth and be your authentic self. Is there something you’ve always wanted to do, do you want a change, or maybe just more fire? Now is the time.

How did you guys do with creativity? Are you experiencing that autumn months make you loose motivation and willpower? Contribute in the comments below :)

Love and light & Pura Vida


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Get creative

The yoga class I attended yesterday had its focus on Svadhisthana Chakra, the second chakra. Meaning that the postures aimed at balancing our flow through the chakra that is based under the navel, in the pelvis area.




And we opened our hips and flowed with the music.


Ale Stenar, Skåne, Sweden

Which is precisely what I recently wrote an article about: dance. About opening your heart and your hips and letting the rhythms wash through you as you get creative.

I have devoted these autumn months to embrace creativity. Beside dance (and potion brewing), I write, cook and do yoga. Those of you who know me also know that this is what I love to do and, thus, want to share with the world.

Sign up for Service By Magie’s VIP-letter if you crave warm words in the cold, recipe treats and Magie-cal discounts.


Tomorrow (Thursday) is the Harvest full moon, which also encourages us to use our creativity!

So, let’s all dress up in


And a crown of rowanberries

To accompany us

in the dance


Autumn in Sweden

What is your favorite creative thing to do? Share! :)

Pura Vida


More on Yoga

New Moon Energy Forecast Virgo, September 15th, 2023

Channeled message for the New Moon in Virgo, 15 of September, 2023

When finishing what we’ve started, we can harvest some really juicy fruits. Being picky in your choices at this time truly means practicing discernment at a more conscious level of awareness. In turn, choosing wisely brings more clarity and a grand opening for embodying our life’s calling.

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Full Moon Energy Forecast Pisces, August 31st 2023

Channeled message for the Super Full Moon in Pisces, August 31, 2023

Embodying the mystic lets us bring the ancient, forgotten and hidden gifts of magic to earth, and our daily lives. Consider all life to be sacred. Consider all days a ceremony. Consider all words a prayer. How would that feel? Would you love your life more? 

Get the moon energy forecasts in your inbox, subscribe here.

New Moon Energy Forecast Leo, August 16th 2023

Channeled message for the New Moon in Leo, August 16th, 2023

Feel your feelings and don’t hold yourself back is what we’re being encouraged to do right now. Come back to your path, continue bravely forward with an open and humble heart. Can you learn how to hold yourself, and let you feel seen and heard? Invite your plant allies to support you on your journey towards self mastery and a brave heart.

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