Gudomlig Graviditet: Meditation med Ljud

Gudomlig Graviditet: Meditation med Ljud

För att slappna av och lätta på trycket i bröstkorgen under graviditeten är sång ett fantastiskt redskap. Genom att chanta enkla mantran eller ljud så som OM eller chakra-seed mantras skapar vi vibrationer i kroppen som får oss att slappna av samtidigt som hals, mun och käka lär sig att slappna av. Halschakrat och därmed hela området runt mun och hals är starkt relaterat till sacral-chakrat och ...

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Creating Space

Clearing. Chopping. Raking. Cutting. Lifting. Moving.

The muddy jungle soil covers my face, my hands, and fills the space underneath my nails to make me understand we are one and the same.

Moving rocks from one place to another; creating paths and openings. New beginnings. Release.

Ticks are biting and crawling all over my legs and up the ass, biting again even harder this time. Itchy, muddy sweaty and part of it all.

Open circles opening the heart. And we become spirals and trees.




Mama Jungle says:" Lift your head. Raise your eyes towards the tall trees. Rest here. In the space you created."


We share the silence of focus. Snakes bless our work. We are welcome here. She gifts us bamboo trees and we chop them, flatten them and build a bridge.

We build a bridge to unite the people.

Raking and clearing. The wheelbarrow fills up: what is not wanted in one place gets an important role somewhere else. Paths are made. The secret passageway in the jungle starts to show for the one who looks.

We create paths across the worlds.

And you are welcome here,  dear one. We are all welcome here.

Indiana Jones hanging bridge

Indiana Jones hanging bridge



I am blessed with having family in many parts of the globe. It is with deep gratitude and humility me and my husband offer our service to Mother Earth. To create and hold ceremonial space is such profound work. I and we are happy and grateful to be part of this creations work; to plant seeds of community and to share the tales of ancient traditions. Everywhere we go, we will carry this work in our hearts and our feet. And we invite you to join the feast!

More tales will come, the land will expand.

Thank you.


Cantantes and Tatarahuehue

Cantantes and Tatarahuehue

Jungle Journeys and Yoga in Puerto Viejo, Costa Rica

Have you noticed how vibrantly green everything gets after rain?

Weather in the Caribbean has been weird lately with days of endless pouring rain. After two days of waterfalls outside the window, Father Sun came back today. We greeted him down by the ocean; tide was high, the beach empty and the morning early. We sung to him as waves were rolling in. Suddenly, summer’s proper heat was back and the day is only getting hotter! We are spending the warmest hour of the day indoors, taking a siesta, while most tourists just woke up. Biking through town this morning showed us there is still, despite being Tuesday, a big group of backpackers and other tourists in town. They were all headed towards town and the beach as we were on our way back home...

Enjoy the pictures of Masai (dog), Medicinal Plant tour, bugs, the astonishing full moon and the waterfall Dos Vueltas.

We rent a small casita (house) in Cocles Beach, a few kilometers from town and about 200 meters to the ocean. Thanks to its concrete floor and shady location, we have a cool working space even during mid-day. And, yes, after a few weeks of ceremonies and studies I am now working again. That is to say, combining work with studies- as always the sweetest way of life! Tomorrow starts a Warrior Path’s yoga immersion at the Garden, guided by my magic friend Jerusha, which I’ll be attending. In addition, Wednesday and Saturday mornings I’ll be guiding a Bhakti Flow and a Morning Flow yoga class, and there will be TWO Yin and Drum workshops the coming weeks. Check out Calendar for info!

There you have it guys, a regular day in the Caribbean. Stay updated more frequently on Instagram: @foodbymagie where I share food experiences and new organic and local creations.

Please tell me what you like to read about!

What is shamanic journeying?

Stories from shamanic journeys?

More information about Puerto Viejo/nearby/Costa Rica?


Regular day-to-day life?


Post in the comments below, or contact me on social media!


Mucho amor, luz y paz


Ceremonies and Connections in Costa Rica

Time is moving fast my friends. You know how everything flows when you’re on “the right track”? You know, everything just works and happens and the right people enter your life. That is how Costa Rica is to me. It’s been crazy busy here with catching up with friends and meeting new, attending practices and ceremonies and work. Puerto Viejo is post-peaking High Season and, thus, still filled with people and tourists so town is buzzing and Hidden Garden is constantly filled up. Garbage is filling the streets. As a reminder to all of us: please take care of your trash!

Puerto Viejo Town during High Season

Puerto Viejo Town during High Season

Besides from camping in the mountains, I haven’t slept more than one night in the same place but moved around to fit everybody in. Gypsyin’ it right now; sleeping in tents, hammocks or on someone’s floor. Teeth brushing on the road. We are playing drums, eating plants and experiencing life’s medicine.

There is so much love.

Sat waiting for pick-up at the highway in Guápiles, Costa Rica. Post-ceremony.

Sat waiting for pick-up at the highway in Guápiles, Costa Rica. Post-ceremony.

Ola is visiting from Sweden and so far I haven’t had much time showing him around. But we are living in the vibrant connections and the world is showing us beauty.

Time is an illusion anyway

I have finished my second year of Shamanic trainings and feel stronger than ever. Dance life! This week means getting back to routines with Yoga mornings, followed by work, study and beachin’ it in the afternoon. Hidden Garden is still on a busy schedule and this afternoon a Sweat Lodge is being held by a visiting Shaman from the North. We also have an Ashtanga teacher from the states staying in the house and giving classes. Yes, flow is the word right now.

The colors are all vibrating.

Ayawaska bracelet. Gift from my beautiful sister and goddess Jerusha.

Ayawaska bracelet. Gift from my beautiful sister and goddess Jerusha.

If you follow your truth path you will see the colors- are you? Please leave a comment with a update from your life!

Also, are there any special requests as to what you want me to write about? 

Pura Vida

December and Expansion of the Heart

November in Scorpio was challenging. Past issues knocking, wanted to come up to the surface and to be dealt with. Today, New Moon is in Sagittarius and I’m sure most of us felt the release of pressure already yesterday. Even the weather gave us a new light: a breath of spring. December and Sagittarius is about peace and joy. Open your heart even more to invite the softness and smiles we so longed for in November! Sing with me, the mantra of love:

Aham Prema

I am Divine Love


Sing it to yourself in the morning and feel the softness in your chest and the expansion of your heart and, thus, the fourth chakra.

For many cultures, December is about traditions and holidays. This year, I’m trying to figure out what Swedes do. I love people-watching and what better time than Xmas time, when people cheerfully walk around the Xmas market and sing songs in church and on the streets! So this last weekend (first of advent weekend) I attended both church and various Xmas markets around town. 

I am not to comment the patriarchal concept these traditions derive from (religion) but quietly reflect on the old paradigm. Only 4 % of the Swedish population go to church for religious (Christian) reasons anyway. Let us expand our hearts to be open for the songs, smiles, warmth and the love that we are. Listen to the Sagittarius New Moon asking us to question our perceptions of reality and find out what is true to us. What is true for you?

Take a moment and think about that while you watch this powerful video and song. Thanks to Ola for the sharing!

One Love and Pura Vida

More on Travels Within

Nymåneprognos Oxen 15 maj 2018

Häromdagen hörde jag mig själv säga "Jag måste våga mindre och safea mer!"

Så fick jag stanna upp ett par andetag; hur menade jag nu? LÄS MER

How to eliminate asthma and allergies with natural means!

Finding Fire in the Cold

The third chakra is about doing. The yellow. The Fire. Do you want your dreams to come true? Then you need the fire in your belly to glow.

As it gets colder and darker outside here in the Northern hemisphere, I find it harder to maintain a strong fire within. Makes sense really; rain is putting the fire out. The Vata weather is trying to break down the sunny heat, but we want to keep balance.

So, at the same time as we want to cuddle up inside and maybe do some traveling within, we need to make sure that the fire won’t go out- or it’ll be way too cold.

Some firey memories from this summer's yoga festival

As always, my yoga mat is my answer. On my mat I travel within and on my mat I find my fire. To clarify: the easiest way to get more fire is through the body. Do something physical. Personally, I enjoy (and many times find it easier) rolling out my mat together with others- sharing and spreading light through the darkness. Or, like this memory from a Swedish festival I attended this summer:

If you want more inspiration about doing check out my latest rebelle article!

This is a good time to get to that doing. On Sunday, November 3rd, we have a New Moon Solar Eclipse talking about renewal, rebirth and be your authentic self. Is there something you’ve always wanted to do, do you want a change, or maybe just more fire? Now is the time.

How did you guys do with creativity? Are you experiencing that autumn months make you loose motivation and willpower? Contribute in the comments below :)

Love and light & Pura Vida


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