Heal and Balance in Liverpool

As I require a special diet of vegan and gluten, sugar, yeast and onion free food, I occasionally have to make exceptions. Especially when travelling and I can't cook for myself. I am aware of this and, therefore, whenever I can I bring my own food, snack and essential herbs to help me digest what ever it is that I don’t normally eat. In the UK, gluten is hard to avoid even though nowadays many cafés have the option of gluten free bread. However, the main issues with bread are the yeast and the refined flour- gluten free or not. And they like their sandwiches, the Brits! Besides gluten and yeast, sugar and onions are vicious and difficult to avoid. We even found sugar in the oatmeal! So, during the week most of my exceptions concerned onions, sugar and yeast. My body required me to do a nice purge when I got back home!

In regards of non-animal food tho, most restaurants and cafés have at least one option of vegetarian food and my general experience is that most of these dishes are possible to make vegan or at least lactose free. Still, sometimes it’s nice to be prepared and know where to be able to eat FROM the menu! Check out my healthy travel tips for Liverpool below.

Look up vegan and vegetarian restaurants and eateries on Scouseveg There are several options around Liverpool center that are vegan friendly. For instance, we tried the vegan menu at Lunya, a Spanish tapas restaurant, and were very pleased! There is also a vegan café on Bold Street - a genuine and cozy bohemian feeling street which we found when walking from the Cathedral and down towards the dock. This street is where you’ll find alternative bookstores, independent businesses, world food stores, fair trade, organic and the like. Needless to say, I enjoyed the visit!

Always carry snacks such as unsalted nuts, seeds and fruit in your daypack in case of sudden hunger and absence of healing nutrition. Bring a thermos of hot water! Refill whenever possible. For instance, ask in cafes or at 7/11, I’ve always gotten positive outcomes! Why do you want a thermos you wonder? 1- to stay warm throughout the day if weather is rough 2- to aid the digestive fire (especially if you’re making food exceptions).

Put your hiking boots on! I love to walk around bigger cities because it offers a genuine way to get to know the city, its neighbourhoods and people. Liverpool is a good-sized city to walk around for the weekend tourist. A huge plus are the signs all over town, encouraging visitors to walk between attractions. Dancing is of course also a terrific way of moving your body and get the prana flowing! As we were alone in The Cavern, in The Beatles Museum, I saw my chance to move the booty and twisted around the dance floor in front of the stage for a good two rounds of the famous Twist and Shout!

The Beatles played remarkably 292 concerts in The Cavern before the place closed down 1973. The museum does a great job in reenacting the settings and atmosphere and when I closed my eyes to let my body move to the dancing rhythms, I traveled back to a time when The Beatles were rocking the stages.

Not only is dancing and walking around museums great for the physical body but also for the overall wellbeing, such as the mental, emotional, and spiritual health. More and more research on Health and Art & Cultural activities show that the two areas are much related. For instance, music and dance have long had social and ritual functions in traditions all over the globe and research has shown that these therapies have positive affects on the mood. In addition, there is science describing how cultural activities can increase the quality of life! My health routines include absorbing art, history, architecture, music, and nature to mention a few. Thus, I make sure to involve my routines wherever I am in the world! In Liverpool, we started our trip with a visit to the world’s largest Anglican Cathedral and ended it with a long stay in The Beatles Story- both deeply spiritual and healing experiences.

The Beatles Story was an emotional roller coaster but we came out with the message of healing the world and bring world peace, so that we can all live together as ONE. 


Ps. Before New Years 2014, you can lend your voice to the largest sing-a-long ever! Read more and listen to John Lennon's Imagine here

Space of Love Yoga Festival Sweden

Paradise. Space of Love Yoga Festival Böda, Öland, Sweden 2014

There might not be words beautiful enough to depict the symphony of colours that danced and swirled between us as we created a bond that grew stronger and reached wider as the week unfolded itself in the Space of Love festival on Öland.

I have met soul mates and long lost friends. I have served the Fire and its guides during ancient ceremonies. I have danced barefoot in the soft grass and I have let the ocean stroke my naked body with her cold touch. I have felt the sand melt away between my fingers as time turns into non-existence and I have loved, laughed and cried. Endlessly. These moments are a constant waterfall of rainbows- we want it always. And I want You to be part of it too! So I let the pictures and poems speak to your heart and hope that next year, you will bathe with us in the waterfall of rainbows.

Thank you Nina and Boris for inviting us to your wedding- the most magical celebration of Love imaginable!

For the curious ones: I woke as the sun rose over the beach during Sadhana at 4am with my beautiful hermana Mina, warmed and opened my body with magical Sky and Sama Yoga. I flowed thru dance workshops, attended Celtic Sweat lodges, swam in the ocean, played in the sand and let music wash through me before closing my eyes in my pink raspberry tent at night..... 

A big thank you to all the amazing teachers, guides and organizers that held and hold this space; to the participants for without them and their open hearts there would be no festival; to the musicians that create the soundtracks of our hearts' movements; and thank you to my beloved heart-family Sofia, David, Ruben and Marcus for making me fall in love over and over again. I love you dearly.

Böda Sand, Space of Love festival Öland 2014

Tell us about your festival memories in the comments below!

Pura Vida Siempre

Highlights of 2013

According to the linear time made up by humans, the year of 2013 is coming to an end. As many do around this time of year, I am going to sum up some of the amazing experiences I’ve had during 2013. It has been a tumultuous year in many ways and my within-journeys deriving from my travels around the world have been great and profound. My intentions for 2014 are to continue deeper into my spiritual journey, wherever in the world it may take me.

Ok, so let’s sum up some extra good times!


1.    San José in February and March: This is festival time in Costa Rica and its capital. The classic Latin American Carnaval is being centered around Puntarenas, whereas the capital holds festivals like Transitarte. I especially enjoy these kinds of events, with street art and free concerts around Down Town San José and its city parks. The streets are buzzing with happy people and the bars are full even at daytime! Of course, February is also the month when the Moon Dance is held but that topic requires its own post. Some day I might tell you about it.

2.    Puerto Viejo January to May: The tiny village Puerto Viejo de Talamanca is the place in Costa Rica I call “home”. Sure, we have had our differences: humidity, unwanted animals in the house and cold- to mention a few. But it is impossible not to love this place. I get to wake up, in the jungle, to the sound of howler monkeys and have breakfast with hummingbirds and to do yoga while resting my eyes on the ocean waves rolling in to shore. Puerto Viejo is also the place to visit for a culinary experience and I’m sure you know that I love food! Organic, fresh from the garden, hand made chocolate, you name it Puerto got it!

I also had my sister staying with me for 4 whole months in this paradise, which is a true blessing! 

3.    The United States in May and June: I know some of you will smile reading this- having said I never wanted to go to the states. Of course, the reason it ends up on this list is the exact same reason I went there in the first place: visiting one of the most important persons in my life. What really made this trip special was to get to travel with my partner and him introducing me to his life in this culture that is so far away and yet so close to “my own” (what ever that is). Who would have known I’d go camping with a bunch of motorbikes in the Nevadan desert for instance? I love that life takes me to unexpected places.

Golden Gate Bridge San Francisco 

4.    Sweden in July: I went from north to south this year basically. I have never before been to Österlen in the south east of Sweden and its spectacular nature and breath taking sceneries stuck to my heart. Summer is when Sweden shines in all her glory. Such a beautiful country! Sometimes I find Sweden and Costa Rica very much alike. For instance, the fact that nature varies greatly from place to place within both the two (small) countries.

One of the finest memories from the Österlen trip is when mom and me went to Kivik and ate for hours at the raw food restaurant. (Again: food!)

Norrland (Photo Credit: Ola Danielsson)

Norrland, Sweden (Photo Credit: Ola Danielsson)

Yes, it's a rain deer

Ale Stenar at Österlen

5.    Festivals in August: For August there is no better place to be than Småland. Heaps of stuff is going on all over: festivals, markets, harvest parties and what not. This year, I packed a car and went to a music festival in the forest. Mundekulla is about song, dance and love, created by and through the people attending. It will always warm my heart to think about it and I hope I get the chance to return every year.

My partner in crime (at least when it comes to yoga) and I grabbed our mats and jumped on a train bounded for Copenhagen a weekend in late August. The Copenhagen Yoga Festival is an outdoor event where you can try a variety of yoga styles, listen to lectures, snack yummy raw food, meet people from all over the world and even go into the ocean if you want to! It was a great weekend with, maybe, the last hot sun rays of summer. 

Las Salvajes

So, there you have it: my Highlights of 2013 -list! Now, I’m curious about what you enjoyed most this year. Tell me all about it in the comments below :)


Happy New Years and Pura Vida

Finding Fire in the Cold

The third chakra is about doing. The yellow. The Fire. Do you want your dreams to come true? Then you need the fire in your belly to glow.

As it gets colder and darker outside here in the Northern hemisphere, I find it harder to maintain a strong fire within. Makes sense really; rain is putting the fire out. The Vata weather is trying to break down the sunny heat, but we want to keep balance.

So, at the same time as we want to cuddle up inside and maybe do some traveling within, we need to make sure that the fire won’t go out- or it’ll be way too cold.

Some firey memories from this summer's yoga festival

As always, my yoga mat is my answer. On my mat I travel within and on my mat I find my fire. To clarify: the easiest way to get more fire is through the body. Do something physical. Personally, I enjoy (and many times find it easier) rolling out my mat together with others- sharing and spreading light through the darkness. Or, like this memory from a Swedish festival I attended this summer:

If you want more inspiration about doing check out my latest rebelle article!

This is a good time to get to that doing. On Sunday, November 3rd, we have a New Moon Solar Eclipse talking about renewal, rebirth and be your authentic self. Is there something you’ve always wanted to do, do you want a change, or maybe just more fire? Now is the time.

How did you guys do with creativity? Are you experiencing that autumn months make you loose motivation and willpower? Contribute in the comments below :)

Love and light & Pura Vida


More Articles on Sweden

Stories from the North
Travel the worlds, within and without

My journeys without led and lead me deeper within. As I began to travel deeper within, I saw and started to understand Change even more...

Highlights of 2014

Topp 5 aktiviteter i San José

For San José activity tips in English read my What to do in San José for Two Days article. 

Efter att ha bott ett år i Costa Rica har jag varit i dess huvudstad fler gånger än jag besökt Stockholm i hela mitt liv. Dels för att det är knutpunkten när man ska ta sig vidare någonstans, dels för att jag har vänner och bekanta att hälsa på men även för att jag helt enkelt gillar San José. Förvånansvärt mycket kan tyckas. Ett smutsigt rykte har spridits sig bland Costa Ricas backpackers och på hostel runt om i landet sitter dessa budgetresenärer och avfärdar San José som tråkigt, trots att de förmodligen bara sett en bråkdel av staden.

San José view. Down town. Hostel close to Parque Nacional. 

Det är inte lätt att lära känna en storstad och jag har redan tidigare påpekat vikten av att ägna den tid för att få någonting tillbaka. Tid är väl det budgetresenären har gott om- annars är det något som känns bakvänt. Det jag älskar med att resa är att lyhört lyssna till och upptäcka nya platser och berättelser. Mycket hellre än att betala obegripliga summor för diverse turistaktiviteter lägger jag timmar på att gå, åka buss, söka information utanför guideboken och fråga mig till intressanta saker för att få de nya berättelserna. Nya intryck och känslor och nya fascinerande detaljer och vyer. Finns det, exempelvis, en berättelse bakom det rostbruna, viktorianska huset med skylten Hemingway Inn som oväntat tornar upp sig i Barrio Amón? Det svaret låter jag er finna själva och istället ger jag er fem tips på hur man kan njuta av denna latinamerikanska huvudstad både kulinariskt, kulturellt och socialt utan att skena iväg med budgetresenärens plånbok. 

1.    Fika på Teatro Nacional eller ta en snabb kaffe på El Tostador.

Teatern ligger mitt i centrum, bredvid Plaza de la Cultura och är landets mest ärade byggnad. Huset byggdes på sent 1800-tal och är en fröjd för ögat både utanpå och inuti. Passa på att njuta av de spektakulära takmålningarna medan du tar din förmidagsfika. Vill du hellre ta en kaffe to-go för att få vara ute i solen finns kaffekedjan El Tostador i nästan varje gathörn. Costa Ricas kaffe är smakrikt, fylligt och lent och något som måste upplevas!

Teatro Nacional San José Costa Rica

2. Marknaden Fería Verde de Aranjuez

På lördagsförmiddagar samlas försäljare av ekologisk och lokalproducerad mat, hantverk, kläder och smycken i Barrio Escalante. Det tar knappa 20 minuter att promenera hit från downtown och på vägen bjuds man på både spännande hus och vacker utsikt. 

Njut av en billig och miljövänlig lunch innan du traskar vidare. 

Se hemsidan för vägbeskrivning och priser.

Fería Verde

3. Parker och Plazas

San José har tre parker bara i downtown och de är alla värda att besöka. Dels för att vila fötterna i gräset men även för att det nästan alltid är någon aktivitet på gång. I Parque España ser man allt från försäljare till skateande ungdomar och yogisar. Morazan är parken som gärna bjuder upp till dans med olika gratiskonserter och Parque Nacional är utmärkt för picknick. Plaza de la  Cultura ligger som en knutpunkt vid Teatro Nacional och där kan man sitta länge och titta både på den varierade blandningen människor som cirkulerar eller den overkliga mängd duvor som alltid hittar dit. För fria lördagsaktiviteter håll dig uppdaterad med Enamorarte de tu ciudad. 

Concert in Parque Morazan San José

4. Live musik, evenemang och Jazz Café

Det är alltid något på gång i fartfyllda San José! Det berömda Jazz Caféet finner du både i stadsdelen San Pedro (en kort bussresa från centrum) och Escazú (betydligt längre resa). Här har otaliga kända band och artister från hela Latinamerika spelat och det utlovas live musik varje kväll. Räkna med att betala en mindre inträdesavgift och lite dyrare drinkar men det är värt vartenda öre. Se hemsidan för senaste info.

Håll alltid ögon och öron öppna efter de senaste evenemangen plötsligt dyker det upp en gratis konsert i en park! Bra ställen att leta på (förutom tidningarna) är tex. sanjosevolando.com och Tico Times. 

5. Barrio Amón till Mercado de Artesanias

För en promenad med tema historia och arkitektur rekommenderar jag att man besöker Barrio Amón och dess viktorianska byggnader. En gång i tiden mansions för kaffeodlare men numer vanligen hotell eller kontor. Gå vidare söderut genom att korsa huvudgatan Avenida Central och ta sikte mot Plaza de la Democracia för att lokalisera marknaden med allt från souvenir-krafs till intressant hantverk: Mercado de Artesanias. Av någon anledning hamnar jag på den marknaden nästan var gång jag är i San José, förmodligen beror det på de vackra latinamerikanska tygerna och den härliga atmosfären av mingel och prutande. 

Mercado de Artesanias San José

Jag hoppas du uppskattar Costa Ricas huvudstad även om du råkar vara där enbart några dagar. Dela gärna med dig av dina egna tips i kommentarerna nedan, eller skriv och berätta om besökt något av ovanstående ställen!

Pura Vida


More on Costa Rica

What To Do in San José For Two Days

Time for a new era

The only true way is to write from the heart. Speak always from your heart and people will listen.

I am so much more than these travel stories and journeys you’ve been able to find here on this blog. I love a lot of things- I don’t fit in to ONE niche. 

I refuse to be caged, limited or change my heart to fit into your boxes of definitions.

Where is home?


Everybody wanna tame the wild gypsies. Everybody think they really can


– Diane Patterson


At Copenhagen yoga festival 2013

As a traveller constantly living the gypsy life, I always get questions concerning my home.Where do you live? Where do you consider home? And the worst: how does it feeeeel to be home? (Every time I enter Sweden).

People also seem to be offended when I insinuate that Sweden isn’t “my home”.
(It’s obviously fun to be a bit provocative).

As I see it, there are two takes on this concept of home. On the one hand, people ask where my physical home is- i.e. my house. For some, the material building and a physical space equal home. When I notice their imbalance in the root chakra and sense that this is what they mean, I usually open my hands in a wage gesture, look towards the sky and airily answer: ooooh, you knooow….

On the other hand, there is a feeling to the concept of home. Where do I feel at home? This one is trickier. Truth is, home is where I am at the moment. Thus I answer:

The world is my home

I guess that if you haven’t experienced what I mean by this it could be pretty hard to understand. So, people get a bit offended or stressed by this answer as well.

Let me explain. We all carry our home within us. I am part of Mother Earth and she is part of me. She is my home and shelter. I am my home and shelter. I am home. Always. Hence, I don’t need a house to define my home and I can feel at home everywhere.



I wanted to share this with you as we go into a New Moon in Virgo tomorrow. The last few months, I’ve been feeling that autumn -13 will be an exciting one, which is precisely what the September New Moon is confirming! Set your intentions for hard work and you will be rewarded.

You will be finding me in the forests of Småland, brewing some esoteric potion while rain is knocking on the window. 
Just don’t expect me to settle.

At Mundekulla music festival 2013

One Love & Pura Vida


Best Of Sweden

Stories from the North
Travel the worlds, within and without

My journeys without led and lead me deeper within. As I began to travel deeper within, I saw and started to understand Change even more...

Highlights of 2014