Soul Purpose

Soul Purpose

Your soul purpose needs to be seen by You- chosen by You.

The beautiful part is, you have already chosen your mission on earth for this specific lifetime before you even arrived here! Before you descended to earth, you said: I will do this; this shall be my heart-filled task now. 

I am the one tho help you remember that choice. 

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Who should wake you up?

Who should wake you up?

“It is not our job to shake people awake. That is patriarchal behaviour. And there is already too much of it in our world today. Trust that people ARE waking to the higher consciousness, it happens everyday.”


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Yoga och framfall av reproduktionsorganen

Postnatalt är det dessvärre förhållandevis vanligt att någon del av reproduktionsorganen tynger ned. Det kan vara livmodern, men även urinblåsan, tarmen eller slidväggarna som buktar nedåt. Även under graviditet och i klimakteriet kan kvinnan uppleva detta och vanligast är då att det beror på något som hänt tidigare i livet, ofta i relation till stress under.. LÄS MER

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Postpartum Breastfeeding (part 3)

Postpartum Breastfeeding (part 3)

There is no way one can imagine how thirsty and hungry you get from breastfeeding (unless you’ve done it before)! To give endlessly in this way require that you recharge and take care of yourself to be able to give more. I always have a water bottle at my “breast feeding posts” to easier remember to drink water. A girlfriend of mine shared that she puts .. Read more

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Postpartum and Breastfeeding Part 2

Postpartum and Breastfeeding Part 2

Postpartum and Breastfeeding Part 2 Breastfeeding means a complete emptying of energy and women who lactate need to constantly recharge with food and water to be able to give inexhaustibly. Of course, this is much easier when having support from the people around, who help in making sure mama is eating and drinking sufficiently. It might be plenty anyway with the challenges this spiritual and physical act offers. To become one with the act of giving is one example. To have the energy to be awake at night is another one. My experiences from yoga and shamanism really helped me when I was awake with Orion during the nightly hours the first couple months. I felt it important to still be present, focused and awake during the night shifts and at the same time try to create an energy flow so that I could also regain my energy. To do this, I use... READ MORE

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Gudomlig Graviditet: Kan yoga få bebis att vända sig med huvudet ned?

Gudomlig Graviditet: Kan yoga få bebis att vända sig med huvudet ned?

Genom Gravidyoga-kurserna gör vi löpande yogaövningar för att förebygga att bebisen ska vända sig med huvudet nedåt. I förlossningsförberedande yoga finns möjlighet att fördjupa detta ytterligare genom t.ex. visualisering. Eftersom frågan ofta uppstår om vad man kan göra för att guida bebisen till att vända sig med huvudet nedåt känner jag att ämnet får en egen artikel! Här kommer mina tips baserade på Yoga och traditionell Healing. 

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