The Nomadic Yogi

According to Sri Pattabhi Jois and his Yoga Mala, the space where you do your asana practice (poses) should be open and clean. In the west we are used to shalas being spacious and with a lot of room in between yourself and your neighbor. The studios are clean, have a good temperature and are QUIET. Most of us even expect a yoga space to be this way. However, yoga is about being able to quiet the mind to ground oneself and to stay focused. We practice these things on the mat to be able to apply them in our everyday life. Sticking to a regular practice while traveling is of course challenging in many ways but I believe it to be beneficial for me and for my practice to face these challenges. As yet a Staying Healthy On The Road post and to give you inspiration to keep rolling out your mat wherever you are, I share with you some of the places I’ve been doing my asanas the last few months. In some of them I had to take a few extra breaths to focus on myself instead of outside distractions, whilst in others magic happens(ed). I believe we need both sides of the coin, or it’ll get boring ;)


1. Hostel floor next to yesterday's stinking beer cans

Beds on Bohio, Jaco, Costa Rica

I am grateful for the spacious privates and their including patios in this place. Hostels are always a challenge for yoga practice since it’s never silent. This is not the first hostel where I’ve been doing my morning practice, nor is it the only or last one. It is, however, the only party-hostel I would stay at and where I keep showing up regularly. The smell of yesterday’s party (or the sounds of it during night) is part of the experience and I breathe through any annoyance that might come up. In addition to remind myself about the gratitude I feel for having a mat-sized patio outside the room. 

2. In the jungle together with all kinds of friendly animals that want to join me.

Uvita jungle hostel, Costa Rica

Practicing in the jungle is amazing in so many ways; the colors, the clean air, the heat, the curious hummingbirds and playful toucans, and the sounds of the forest. However, every now and again mosquitos, ants and simply all kinds of bugs like to join in. And sometimes cats. That is fine though, I like that kind of company, it keeps me staying humble.

3. Together with 22 awesome women, every morning for 22 days, on an uneven and semi-broken wooden floor

Yoga in Tamarindo with Drishti Yoga Teacher Training, Costa RIca.

The challenge for me –who is used to yoga alone- was to suddenly share my practice with others every day, and to be guided through most meditations. Sharing and creating connection in that way open up the heart and let you go deeper in your practice. I am forever grateful for what these lovely ladies shared with and taught me. 

4. On the beach when waves are coming in, removing the sand under my balancing point

Playa Uvita Costa Rica

The picture speaks for itself. Balance and alignment are obviously affected. Good fun to play around with both of these asana foundations though! 

5. On a friend's dusty floor while the news broadcast is blasting out from the radio at 6am

Deep breaths and a strong Drishti to go within and connect are what help me stay grounded and calm in these kinds of situations. Yet a place to grow if it’s added to my practice every now and again.


I guess it all comes down to one thing really; learn to lie on the floor everywhere. And all yogis I know love being on the floor so it actually doesn’t take long no matter where we are before our feet are up the wall.

Beds on Bohio, Jaco Beach Costa Rica with Megan and Sabeena

Where do you find it most challenging to do your practice, exercise, meditation or workout? Share in the comments below!

Pura Vida

Yoga Teacher Training Costa Rica

Guanacaste province is located in the northwest of Costa Rica. This province is the warmest in the country and between November and April there is hardly any rain (dry season), resulting in dry forests and a desert like climate.

During one of these hot months is when I decided it was a good time to do a Yoga Teacher Training. It happened to be located just outside of Tamarindo, which is basically as far as you can go from Puerto Viejo (southeastern corner of the country). And it was indeed hot, even I used air-condition! And, occasionally, I really missed the green jungle and all its sounds, movements, rain and humidity. I was surprised, however, that the howler monkeys woke us up around 5 am still, and they were close! Strolling around the surrounding areas showed me the many mango trees and it started to make sense why heaps of monkey families were hanging around in the desert.

Sunset Playa Negra, Guanacaste, Costa Rica

We started late in the mornings (6:45), when the sun was already up, making the sun heat the shala to a boiling temperature by the end of practice (9:30).  Everyday we also practiced teaching, had philosophy class, anatomy class and Yin Yoga. In total, we did more or less five to six hours of physical practice everyday. I truly enjoy that kind of intensity every now and again. The regularity takes my practice to new levels and the wisdom from the physical asanas (postures) grows deeper inside me. For anyone wanting to experience profound transformation, I recommend trying longer retreats (no matter what level you’re at on your path). And of course, I recommend joining me and Yoga By Magie for any workshops, classes and retreats :)

Reversed Prayer. Sunset Jaco Beach, Puntarenas province, Costa Rica

Every seventh day we had a day off. If you’re a yoga junkie, it’s hard not to do any practice at all, even though the body really needs some rest to process what it’s learning. I kept my morning meditations, in addition to going with some of the girls to Playa Negra to try Stand Up Paddleboard Yoga for the first time! We went to an empty beach where the ocean was quiet enough to not knock us of balance. Doing yoga outside can be challenging, but if you’re used to it and have a good drishti (focus) you will enjoy SUP yoga. My favorite part was lying in Savasana (on my back), hands touching the water, looking up to Father Sky and Grandmother Moon, noticing the shore with its trees in the distance while the sun was setting over the west coast of Costa Rica. Big hug to Naturalbeautyyoga who showed us this place!

I am grateful for having met such a beautiful group of strong, independent and open-minded women. Already a couple days in, I asked to experiment with them by guiding them through a drum meditation and ended up doing another one the week after. Thank you all for being so receptive and for everything you shared during these weeks!

Me and two of the girls drove down to Jaco for a couple of nights to get a different scenery and some beach. While they headed back home to Canada, I went visiting another yogini in San Jose and together we bussed down to Puerto Viejo to watch the craziness of the last Easter days. That is to say, I am now back in the buzzing jungle doing yoga, writing on the porch, doing sweat lodges and work at the wellness center.

Sabeena, Megan, Magie at Jaco Beach, Costa Rica

What did you do for Easter?


Pura Vida


Famous sunset Jaco Beach, Costa RIca. Foto: Magdalena Larsson

Famous sunset Jaco Beach, Costa RIca. Foto: Magdalena Larsson


I Costa Rica kan man inte annat än att trivas. Med jämna mellanrum händer det att jag tänker: I love travel. I love my life. Men trots det kan Puntarenas lätt bli långtråkigt. Staden är liten och varje gång jag promenerar runt tänker jag på hur märklig den är. Svårt att definiera, men något är det. Det är nästan aldrig några människor på gatorna oavsett dag eller tid och det är inte mycket som händer. Förvisso är det tacksamt under veckorna, när man behöver studera, och även på helgerna eftersom man gärna tar tummen ur och åker någon annanstans.

Montezuma. View hostel

För några veckor sedan besökte vi Montezuma igen. Denna gång var både yogaställen och favoritrestaurangen stängda, som befarat. Vi gjorde ett tappert försök till att se vattenfallen, men det regnar för mycket i bergen nu så några av oss tog beslutet att vända om när vi insåg att man skulle behöva klättra i en halv meter vatten hela vägen. Istället njöt vi av den lugna och rena naturen runt oss.


Montezuma waterfalls

På hemvägen gick bussen sönder och vi blev tvungna att vänta på färjan i tre timmar. Tiden tillbringades dock väl med ett gäng resenärer som vi hittat på bussen.

Ferry fun

Helgen efter åkte jag, Tori och Ellen till San Jose för att umgås med våra nyfunna vänner, men även för att fylla ut garderoben med ett par obligatoriska Converse. Vi har bägge känt av en stor saknad till våra vackra skor därhemma, men efter inköpen är vi nu lite mer hela som människor. Väl tillbaka i Punta tillbringade vi tiden med att baka brownies (de äckligaste jag någonsin ätit, men det gick ner ändå) och lyssna på gitarrspelande i hängmattorna.

 Förra helgen började redan på torsdagen för min del, eftersom fredagens lektion var inställd. Någon hade anordnat ett Beach Party som var trevligt ända fram tills det började regna. På fredag eftermiddag försökte jag mota bort bakfyllan med en Frappe Mocha innan vi begav oss till Jaco.

Favorite Fika place

Jaco är en turistig liten surf-ort som ligger ca 2 timmar härifrån med buss. Tanken var mingel, fest och vila på stranden. Vi lyckades med alla tre. Vi åt pizza hos våra amerikanska surfarvänner, badade i blått och svalkande vatten (till skillnad från Puntas bruna, varma) och åt vegetariska hamburgare hos vår nyfunne vän. Det är bra med vänner som göder en: åt minst två veggo burgare under den helgen (det gäller att passa på!).

Hostel Haan, Jaco

Jaco beach

Denna helg har vi varit hemma och halvhjärtat försökt att vila upp oss. Idag, söndag, firar man två nationalhjältar, Cañas och Mora, som såg till att vinna kriget mot William Walker (amerikans soldat som bestämde sig för att ta över Central Amerika och göra alla till slavar för ca 150 år sedan). Festen är störst i Puntarenas eftersom det var här de avrättades. Folk från hela landet kommer hit för att se paraderna. Latinamerika tycker om parader, så även Costa Rica. De skiljer sig dock mycket från de jag tidigare sett i exempelvis Anderna. Istället för folkdräkter och mytologiska skapelseberättelser i tågen innehöll dagens parad olika band som visade upp sina färdigheter. Men, Punta har aldrig varit mer levande med musik, försäljare och folk på både gator och strand.

Puntarenas Carnaval

The tourist ferry


Nästa vecka är vi lediga några dagar extra och ska således försöka bege oss mot den karibiska kusten. Där är vädret bättre och reggaen mer närvarande. Vi hoppas på en fin tur.

Skriv gärna en rad

Pura Vida