New Moon Energy Forecast Taurus, May 19, 2023

Channeled message for the New Moon in Taurus, May 19, 2023

Strong creative currents ask us to connect to Mother Earth. When we use the wisdom of the creative mother, we will see our path more clearly. Continue onwards by being practical, discern and clear out as you prepare for new lands.

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New Moon Energy Forecast Taurus, May 19 2023

The themes for this New Moon in Taurus, and for us to work with during the coming Lunar cycle are:

  • Creative Mothering

  • Calm Flow

  • Peel back, peel off, discern

Creative Mothering

Taurus, the bull, is a very creative sign. You might have already experienced, for the past weeks when the sun's been in taurus, that strong creative energy moving through the soul, mind and body. When we lean into the moon energy of taurus, we activate the Earth Goddess, Mother Earth or mothering energy of creating and creation. 

You might still find that so many things want to be born that it may be hard to keep up, or understand where to focus your energy. Especially if you have many things going on already. Mercury’s retrograde might have cast a confusing veil over your projects, more clarity shall come after we’ve left his shadow phase, from May 31st. 

Nevertheless, continue to tap into that creative mother energy from Taurus and the Goddess Venus, who’s still supporting our journey with beauty and abundance. Prepare and get ready to share yourself, your beauty, your projects and arts towards the end of this cycle, as we move into more movement and connections. For this new moon, and as our torch all through this lunar cycle, Taurus shows us how stability is key. Taurus doesn’t move fast, but one step at the time towards the goal. The fixed energy of this sign might feel like a relief for some of us, and contrary, for a few of us it might feel frustrating. But trust that there is a creative mothering in moving steadily, and in the being. 

The creative mothering theme of this Taurus new moon on May 19 2023, is an energy of care taking what already is; of tapping into your deep wild life force and to connect that with the life force of Mother Earth herself. I talk more about this in the video, watch here. 

The wild life force of Mother Earth, which we all have within us, is what’s driving us. Driving us forward, driving our creations, and guiding this entire lunar cycle (and many more to come). In turn, our deepest, inner life force is also our caretaking. Taking care and nurture is a very strong creative energy, and it requires presence, practice and strong intuition to do it with the love of a mother. We can tap into that by connecting to Mother Earth, and enhancing our ability to be caretakers of our creations as well as of Mother Earth herself. 

Calm Flow

Even though we might feel lighter already, since Mercury stationed to go direct on May 15th, there’s still work to do. You might also feel the eagerness to expand and create new, create more, to go further…. just to find yourself being pulled back again. And again. 

Take a deep look at what stirred up and changed for you since the last eclipse, and during the whole of Mercury Retrograde. These are the areas we’re still working on! Let’s say your life took a fast turn and you bought a new home. What follows is a time of transition and integration into the new. Maybe there are still things to clean out? And then there’s the process of preparing for the new, like packing and moving and cleaning the new house and setting it up to create a welcoming atmosphere. 

We’re in this for a few weeks more: have a look at the areas that shifted something for you, where you manifested the new and be honest with yourself: is there more practice to do? Are there more practical things to do? Stay focused and get rid of everything that won’t serve the highest path you’re moving into.

Remember also to prepare the soil for the new situation you’re in. Or, you’re not quite there yet, but almost. Preparations make the transition smooth. Preparing creates calm and flow. (In the new house situation, preparations would be things like packing, selling old furniture, drawing a map for the garden etc). The thing is to get practical. 

Stay practical as you move between washing out the last pieces of the old and preparing for new, and you’ll find yourself enjoying the ride of a calm flow!

Peel back peel off, discern

With such a strong creative and mothering Shakti bliss energy, we will create health from looking at the opposite. For the actual New Moon Taurus transit, that might mean being in stillness, observing and receiving creative wisdom- rather than acting on it. Work instead with the Dark Goddess Energy during this time. 

For the days leading up to the new moon, as well as for the following 1 to 2 weeks, the opposite might mean using sharp discernment, or peeling off layers. For instance, in your intention making at this time you might feel Shakti very strongly. There are soooo many things you wish to create and there are so many ideas that feel just GREAT. 

Sure, set your intentions. And then revise. Discern means to let go and to cut out. Ask yourself things like; is this realistic, is this in alignment with my soul’s purpose, is this really where I’m at RIGHT NOW; is this brand new or a new version of something old? 

You’ll find reflections work like this very useful now to peel back anything that’s not in alignment with your highest truth, or peeling off straight up naive ideas, and to be able to maturely discern what path serves all. In turn, you’ll find that pathway to be the highway ticket for your ride.

*My oils and herbal blends are now available for the 2023 season <3

New Moon Ritual

For our Taurus New Moon Ritual,  I suggest you start standing or sitting on your knees. 

Breathe with your wings. 

Sit on your knees, or stand firmly with feet hip width apart. 

Inhale through the nose and expand your solar plexus. 

Use your hands and fingers: spread your fingers while opening up the chest and solar plexus, feeling like the elbows are drawn back as wings. 

Exhale and draw the navel in, while rounding your upper back and shoulders and letting the elbows move forward. 

Use your slow and full breaths. 

Resist the urge to move fast, like wings wanting to fly. Instead, stay with long and deep breaths. 

If you wish to add something, let the movement roll up along your spine and neck. 

Repeat 5-10 times before coming to stillness. Take 3 full breaths in stillness. 

(I show how to do this in the video, and hence the practice part is a little longer than usual.) 

Thanks for reading and sharing. Let me know in the comments how the moon's energy affects you right now!

Moon Reflections 

Write down how you feel in your body and mind after the full moon ritual you just did. 

Follow up with this question:

  •  Do I create in alignment with my soul’s purpose?

Let the answer come as you write….

Feel free to share with our community about your insights. In the comments to this post, or email me directly. I answer all emails I get! 

In Love, 

Magic Magie 

Ps. Magic Oils and Herbs from the witch shop is now available - summer edition only. Click here to read more. 

Thanks for reading and sharing.