Colorful San José

I will never stop showing you the colors of a place.

I will always ask you to stop and smell the flowers.



Some journeys are long, hot, dusty and tiring. But if you lift your eyes, maybe you'll find a plant nursery next to the dirty high way; a place filled with orchids and whispers of life. And maybe that will make you smile again. 

San Jose  

San Jose  

As I've mentioned before, Few travelers enjoy big cities (unless that's their aim of the trip) and even fewer like the necessary visit(s) to Costa Rica's capital San Jose. Next time you come, why not stay in the old historic neighborhood Barrio Amón or Aranjuez. And when you're there, why not stroll around the old buildings, enjoying the architecture and the art covering the walls of this area. And maybe you'll find a secret world hidden within green walls and trees and maybe you find a new favorite cafe in the corner of a street you haven't been on before. And maybe you also find the way to mama earth's delicious gifts at Fería Verde.


And if you still haven't seen the arts, colors and flowers of San Jose, this oasis is the place to soak it all in. It is here where I ask you to stop and smell the flowers. And while you sip your Costa Rican coffee with cashew milk, enjoy the colorful smiles around you.


where do you find flowers in your city?  

Feria Verde

Feria Verde


Highlights of 2013

According to the linear time made up by humans, the year of 2013 is coming to an end. As many do around this time of year, I am going to sum up some of the amazing experiences I’ve had during 2013. It has been a tumultuous year in many ways and my within-journeys deriving from my travels around the world have been great and profound. My intentions for 2014 are to continue deeper into my spiritual journey, wherever in the world it may take me.

Ok, so let’s sum up some extra good times!


1.    San José in February and March: This is festival time in Costa Rica and its capital. The classic Latin American Carnaval is being centered around Puntarenas, whereas the capital holds festivals like Transitarte. I especially enjoy these kinds of events, with street art and free concerts around Down Town San José and its city parks. The streets are buzzing with happy people and the bars are full even at daytime! Of course, February is also the month when the Moon Dance is held but that topic requires its own post. Some day I might tell you about it.

2.    Puerto Viejo January to May: The tiny village Puerto Viejo de Talamanca is the place in Costa Rica I call “home”. Sure, we have had our differences: humidity, unwanted animals in the house and cold- to mention a few. But it is impossible not to love this place. I get to wake up, in the jungle, to the sound of howler monkeys and have breakfast with hummingbirds and to do yoga while resting my eyes on the ocean waves rolling in to shore. Puerto Viejo is also the place to visit for a culinary experience and I’m sure you know that I love food! Organic, fresh from the garden, hand made chocolate, you name it Puerto got it!

I also had my sister staying with me for 4 whole months in this paradise, which is a true blessing! 

3.    The United States in May and June: I know some of you will smile reading this- having said I never wanted to go to the states. Of course, the reason it ends up on this list is the exact same reason I went there in the first place: visiting one of the most important persons in my life. What really made this trip special was to get to travel with my partner and him introducing me to his life in this culture that is so far away and yet so close to “my own” (what ever that is). Who would have known I’d go camping with a bunch of motorbikes in the Nevadan desert for instance? I love that life takes me to unexpected places.

Golden Gate Bridge San Francisco 

4.    Sweden in July: I went from north to south this year basically. I have never before been to Österlen in the south east of Sweden and its spectacular nature and breath taking sceneries stuck to my heart. Summer is when Sweden shines in all her glory. Such a beautiful country! Sometimes I find Sweden and Costa Rica very much alike. For instance, the fact that nature varies greatly from place to place within both the two (small) countries.

One of the finest memories from the Österlen trip is when mom and me went to Kivik and ate for hours at the raw food restaurant. (Again: food!)

Norrland (Photo Credit: Ola Danielsson)

Norrland, Sweden (Photo Credit: Ola Danielsson)

Yes, it's a rain deer

Ale Stenar at Österlen

5.    Festivals in August: For August there is no better place to be than Småland. Heaps of stuff is going on all over: festivals, markets, harvest parties and what not. This year, I packed a car and went to a music festival in the forest. Mundekulla is about song, dance and love, created by and through the people attending. It will always warm my heart to think about it and I hope I get the chance to return every year.

My partner in crime (at least when it comes to yoga) and I grabbed our mats and jumped on a train bounded for Copenhagen a weekend in late August. The Copenhagen Yoga Festival is an outdoor event where you can try a variety of yoga styles, listen to lectures, snack yummy raw food, meet people from all over the world and even go into the ocean if you want to! It was a great weekend with, maybe, the last hot sun rays of summer. 

Las Salvajes

So, there you have it: my Highlights of 2013 -list! Now, I’m curious about what you enjoyed most this year. Tell me all about it in the comments below :)


Happy New Years and Pura Vida

Change is here again

Yesterday, Mariella got on her flight to Sweden. She stepped through the door of her apartment just a few hours ago. From door to door the trip is more than 24 hours. It is an exhausting journey, with a lot of flight changes and running to gates. It’s amazing though, that we have the possibility to travel across the world like that. Still, sometimes it makes me sad that parts of my heart belong here in Latin America, which is so far away from my family.

Four months ago, I was prepared to live alone in the Caribbean jungle: a big change from studying and having had friends around me most of the time the year before. Now, my work wouldn’t include many colleagues and thus I expected to have to make somewhat of an effort to find new hangouts and friends. But so, in January my lovely, lovingly, inspiring and all-through awesome sister decided to stay and live with me in Puerto Viejo.

Chocolate tasting

Latin America is in many ways more home to me than Sweden is, but it is difficult to have your loved ones far away across the Atlantic Ocean. Having Mariella here has felt like I have them all a little closer.

Turns out neither of us had to work very hard to make friends, even though (seemingly) we didn’t have a particular forum to interact within. All you have to do is smile and talk. And both of us have always been good at that: talk. However, I still claim it is easier here than in a culture like Sweden where you have to “warm-up” people to get to know them.

With Luis in San Jose

Potluck in PV

Anyway, she gives me energy just by being around and I miss her already! When I go to Sweden I’ll be super annoying and overstay my welcome on her couch. But it’s ok, because she knows that I’ll feed her.

Te amo hermanita

Right now, I am having coffee at my friend’s house in San Jose, trying to get some work done. Apparently, Obama is coming for a visit today. Roads are closed all over the capital. He is probably just popping by, but the public sector is taking the opportunity to have a day off. I’m rambling because my thoughts are a mess (and I’ve had too much coffee). I’m trying to figure out what to do the coming weeks.

Do you have any suggestions? :)

Pura Vida! 

San Jose

Efter att ha varit vakna och på resande fot i över 24 timmar landade vi tillslut i San Jose, Costa Ricas huvudstad. Jetlaggade och förvirrade kom vi fram till hostelet och sov fram till morgonkvisten. Klockorna hade inte ställt om sig till rätt tidszon, vilket innebar att vi var uppe redan 5.30 och undrade var tusan pannkaksfrukosten höll hus! Klassiker. Tiden reddes ut men jetlaggen höll i sig ytterligare några dagar. Därför valde vi att tillbringa dessa med vila: vi gick till park La Sabana och tittade på skulpturer, joggare och ankor, köpte mat och såg film. Fredagen tillbringades med promenad till Down Town, där vi fönstershoppade och mös av atmosfären. Nu börjar det äntligen kännas att man är tillbaka. Doft av fukt, värme, smuts, urin och friterad mat. Försäljare som skriker ut obegripliga ofertas, Sean Paul i butikerna och folkmusik i gathörnen. Latinamerika.

San Jose verkar vara ganska litet och relativt enkelt att hitta i. Hittills har vi kunnat ta oss till fots överallt, vilket är fördelaktigt. Staden är svår att jämföra med någon annan: den är inte smutsig och fattig som La Paz, inte stor, rik och hektisk som Lima, inte full av butiker, boutiquer och höga hus som Buenos Aires utan snarare en härlig blandning av alla dessa. Dock finns här kanske inte mycket att göra för turisten, men vi har spanat på Converse för ca 200-lappen och planerat in shoppingturer för hösten.

hostel i Sabana

Costa Ricas nationalrätt består av bönor och ris och det verkar vara ett relativt enkelt land att resa i för en vegetarian. På fredagen åt vi på en vegetarisk restaurang vid namn Vishnu. Ett litet, lokalt ställe med bra priser och genomtänkt veggo mat. Givetvis högg jag sojaburgaren! (Ja, Mariella, lemonad till det! Letar fortfarande efter jugo de maracuya dock)

vacker utsikt

Lördagen bestod av ytterligare promenader, den här gången till tre nya parker och Barrio Amon- området med gamla, viktorianska hus. I parque de Espana var det fullt ös med allt från schackspel till yoga och på en vägg har någon gjort graffiti av Berlinmuren.

Imorgon tar vi bussen till Puntarenas där vi ska leta efter en lägenhet, så håll tummarna! Skolan börjar den 19e, med en obligatorisk rundtur (tillåt mig att himla med ögonen) och innan dess tänkte vi hinna njuta lite av stranden.


Plaza cultura

Det är wetseason här nu, vilket innebär ca 26 grader (dvs, Europa har varmare), molnigt och skyfall kombinerat med åskknallar på eftermiddagarna. Lite som svensk sommar fast fuktigare. Detta håller på i ytterligare några månader, så kommentarer om vädret undanbeds.

Vi är 8 timmar efter Sverige, vilket kan vara bra att ha i bakhuvudet om man vill slå en signal. Och för er som är intresserade har jag nu ett lokalt telefonnummer:

(506) 85764604

För smartphone-användare finns jag fortfarande (oftast) tillgänglig på Whatsapp, Viber och Skype.

Jag har svettats för att få upp foton, så lämna gärna en rad som tack :)

Pura vida


Queen's Day in Amsterdam

Spring of 2009 felt like a good year to visit Amsterdam and Queen's day. This one night-and-day event is a fusion of street festival and carnival, held all over the country. People are gathered on the streets to enjoy Amsterdam's delicious beer, celebrate the Queen, dance to the various DJs and bands playing, eat traditional street food and maybe try out the carousels. All while dressed in orange. 

What differentiates Amsterdam's street fest is the relaxed atmosphere. Despite the huge crowd (meaning that getting from one street to another could actually take hours), people are friendly, calm and joyous.

Since I was visiting only for a few days, main focus was the festival, catching up with old traveling mates and enjoy a beautiful city. Thus, we stayed at a hostel close to the train station in central Amsterdam. Hostel prices are higher during happenings like Queen's Day when visitors come from all over Europe and despite booking ahead (like 2 months!) we paid around 30-40 euros (each) for a dorm bed.

I'm gonna have to go back, this buzzing capital has a lot to offer in terms of art, culture, history, food and hangouts.  We did get to see some of this in terms of buildings and parks for instance, as is seen in the pictures.

Orange Street Festival Amsterdam Queen's Day

Central Amsterdam's beautiful canals and parks

Vondelpark; situated in central Amsterdam

Hoegaarden with old traveling mates

Enjoying a HUGE strawberry daiquiri while waiting for veggie burgers at Hardrock Café.

What do you love about Amsterdam?

Share your story in the comments below!