Space of Love Yoga Festival Sweden

Paradise. Space of Love Yoga Festival Böda, Öland, Sweden 2014

There might not be words beautiful enough to depict the symphony of colours that danced and swirled between us as we created a bond that grew stronger and reached wider as the week unfolded itself in the Space of Love festival on Öland.

I have met soul mates and long lost friends. I have served the Fire and its guides during ancient ceremonies. I have danced barefoot in the soft grass and I have let the ocean stroke my naked body with her cold touch. I have felt the sand melt away between my fingers as time turns into non-existence and I have loved, laughed and cried. Endlessly. These moments are a constant waterfall of rainbows- we want it always. And I want You to be part of it too! So I let the pictures and poems speak to your heart and hope that next year, you will bathe with us in the waterfall of rainbows.

Thank you Nina and Boris for inviting us to your wedding- the most magical celebration of Love imaginable!

For the curious ones: I woke as the sun rose over the beach during Sadhana at 4am with my beautiful hermana Mina, warmed and opened my body with magical Sky and Sama Yoga. I flowed thru dance workshops, attended Celtic Sweat lodges, swam in the ocean, played in the sand and let music wash through me before closing my eyes in my pink raspberry tent at night..... 

A big thank you to all the amazing teachers, guides and organizers that held and hold this space; to the participants for without them and their open hearts there would be no festival; to the musicians that create the soundtracks of our hearts' movements; and thank you to my beloved heart-family Sofia, David, Ruben and Marcus for making me fall in love over and over again. I love you dearly.

Böda Sand, Space of Love festival Öland 2014

Tell us about your festival memories in the comments below!

Pura Vida Siempre

Get creative

The yoga class I attended yesterday had its focus on Svadhisthana Chakra, the second chakra. Meaning that the postures aimed at balancing our flow through the chakra that is based under the navel, in the pelvis area.




And we opened our hips and flowed with the music.


Ale Stenar, Skåne, Sweden

Which is precisely what I recently wrote an article about: dance. About opening your heart and your hips and letting the rhythms wash through you as you get creative.

I have devoted these autumn months to embrace creativity. Beside dance (and potion brewing), I write, cook and do yoga. Those of you who know me also know that this is what I love to do and, thus, want to share with the world.

Sign up for Service By Magie’s VIP-letter if you crave warm words in the cold, recipe treats and Magie-cal discounts.


Tomorrow (Thursday) is the Harvest full moon, which also encourages us to use our creativity!

So, let’s all dress up in


And a crown of rowanberries

To accompany us

in the dance


Autumn in Sweden

What is your favorite creative thing to do? Share! :)

Pura Vida


More on Yoga

New Moon Energy Forecast Virgo, September 15th, 2023

Channeled message for the New Moon in Virgo, 15 of September, 2023

When finishing what we’ve started, we can harvest some really juicy fruits. Being picky in your choices at this time truly means practicing discernment at a more conscious level of awareness. In turn, choosing wisely brings more clarity and a grand opening for embodying our life’s calling.

Get the moon energy forecasts in your inbox, subscribe here.

Full Moon Energy Forecast Pisces, August 31st 2023

Channeled message for the Super Full Moon in Pisces, August 31, 2023

Embodying the mystic lets us bring the ancient, forgotten and hidden gifts of magic to earth, and our daily lives. Consider all life to be sacred. Consider all days a ceremony. Consider all words a prayer. How would that feel? Would you love your life more? 

Get the moon energy forecasts in your inbox, subscribe here.

New Moon Energy Forecast Leo, August 16th 2023

Channeled message for the New Moon in Leo, August 16th, 2023

Feel your feelings and don’t hold yourself back is what we’re being encouraged to do right now. Come back to your path, continue bravely forward with an open and humble heart. Can you learn how to hold yourself, and let you feel seen and heard? Invite your plant allies to support you on your journey towards self mastery and a brave heart.

Get the moon energy forecasts in your inbox, subscribe here.

Lake Tahoe

"There is no need to know where you are going.
There is no need to know why you are going.
All that is needed to be known is that you are going joyously,
because if you are going joyously you cannot go wrong.
If you are going dancing, singing, celebrating,
the direction does not matter, the road does not matter, the goal does not matter.
Every moment becomes paradise."



Photo credit: Magie

The famous lake and beginning of summer.

View point and love.

All these wonderful views

I went and I go joyously and my moments are paradise. I dipped my toes in the freezing water and felt content in enjoying the beauty in togetherness.

We spent my birthday by and around the lake. Strange and funny things happened: we found ourselves travelling in time, being inside a movie with no title and feeling like disguised aliens.


Shopping for Bday cake

Found some lovely old cars

Memories like that are difficult to put words on. But they remain in our hearts.

Pura Vida


Devin & Magie

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What to do in Hong Kong for 2 days

For our trip to Asia, me and Johan decided to buy "loose flights". That is to say, we bought tickets from A to B using cheap airlines. To get to Hong Kong I went with Norwegian Copenhagen - London, met up with Johan and caught a plane London - Hong Kong.

Due to flight changes made by the airline, our time in Hong Kong was shortened to only two days. With that short of a time in a big city you need a good plan and heaps of energy (and great shoes!) if you want to see as much as possible of what the city has to offer. Naturally, I tried to organize some kind of schedule and, naturally, me and Johan had our differences and we didn't get to do everything but it all turned out great in the end. 

I enjoy walking in a big city, it makes you get to know it better. Or at least I believe so. Even with a good map some cities are difficult to understand, but Hong Kong has informative signs everywhere and should you wanna catch the metro that's fairly straight forward too (heaps of people tho). Thus, first thing to do: grab a city map to be able to plan your route together with the traveling guide. 

After a lot of walking and searching for buses: Fika break and more map reading.

We started off with The Peak (view point) to make sure to get several perspectives of the city.  And, yes, what you see is smog.

View Point: The Peak

Hong Kong view

We continued walking to several parks. Here: watching the count down to the Olympics

Watching Kung Fu show in Kowloon Park

The Harbour by day

The Harbour by night. Pretty windy 

Avenue of Stars. The light show 

The light show at the harbor is spectacular when it lights up the buildings, the sky and the water- all accompanied with music. Definitely something I recommend doing!   

We didn't get to see the big Buddha statue- it would've taken too much time. But we saw a great deal of the city's centre, parks and shopping before getting on the plane to The Philippines.   

To sum up what to do in Hong Kong for two days:

  • Get a good map so you can walk around town
  • Visit the city's view point The Peak
  • Visit the big parks, e.g. Kowloon Park
  • See the light show "Avenue of stars" in the harbor

In addition, these things are free to visit! :)


Have you been to Hong Kong? What did you do? What do you recommend? Contribute in the comments below :)