Practicing How To Stay Healthy on The Road

I’ve been on the road since 5 am (it is now 11.25 am Swedish time). I still have a long way to go and many hours more in the air. I am trying to follow my own advice about staying healthy while traveling and (as suspected) it hasn’t been as easy as it might seem. However, I’ve managed to stay away from temptations like coffee and snacks ;) At CPH (Kastrup, Copenhagen airport) I had a sandwich (due to lack of time trying to find oat meal) and chamomile tea. Chamomile is great for relaxation and for the stomach so I was happy finding that! Needless to say, the breakfast we got on our way to London was awful. I had two sips of black tea, which is not ideal, and simply ignored the piece of white dough put in front of me. 

I am now at a café in Heathrow Terminal 5, waiting for my connection flight to Chicago. After having asked around for mint or peppermint tea and non-sparkling water in a few places, I eventually found a good spot! Since I want my stomach to keep doing its job, I was in the lookout for either ginger or mint. I’m extra happy to tell you that the tea is organic and I got to pay with dollars (tried Danish crowns but no go)!

It’s something about the UK, isn’t it? I mean, natural hand lotion for free in the airport toilet, organic and fair trade drinks and super friendly staff within most service areas.  

Not to mention the amazing view over London Eye and Big Ben as we flew in. Got me thinking about Sherlock. Of course.

When meeting friendly people in busy work areas all over the world, I think about Sweden. How come it’s not the same? Could it be because we don’t have the tipping culture? What do you guys think?

birds fly!.jpg

Highlights of 2013

According to the linear time made up by humans, the year of 2013 is coming to an end. As many do around this time of year, I am going to sum up some of the amazing experiences I’ve had during 2013. It has been a tumultuous year in many ways and my within-journeys deriving from my travels around the world have been great and profound. My intentions for 2014 are to continue deeper into my spiritual journey, wherever in the world it may take me.

Ok, so let’s sum up some extra good times!


1.    San José in February and March: This is festival time in Costa Rica and its capital. The classic Latin American Carnaval is being centered around Puntarenas, whereas the capital holds festivals like Transitarte. I especially enjoy these kinds of events, with street art and free concerts around Down Town San José and its city parks. The streets are buzzing with happy people and the bars are full even at daytime! Of course, February is also the month when the Moon Dance is held but that topic requires its own post. Some day I might tell you about it.

2.    Puerto Viejo January to May: The tiny village Puerto Viejo de Talamanca is the place in Costa Rica I call “home”. Sure, we have had our differences: humidity, unwanted animals in the house and cold- to mention a few. But it is impossible not to love this place. I get to wake up, in the jungle, to the sound of howler monkeys and have breakfast with hummingbirds and to do yoga while resting my eyes on the ocean waves rolling in to shore. Puerto Viejo is also the place to visit for a culinary experience and I’m sure you know that I love food! Organic, fresh from the garden, hand made chocolate, you name it Puerto got it!

I also had my sister staying with me for 4 whole months in this paradise, which is a true blessing! 

3.    The United States in May and June: I know some of you will smile reading this- having said I never wanted to go to the states. Of course, the reason it ends up on this list is the exact same reason I went there in the first place: visiting one of the most important persons in my life. What really made this trip special was to get to travel with my partner and him introducing me to his life in this culture that is so far away and yet so close to “my own” (what ever that is). Who would have known I’d go camping with a bunch of motorbikes in the Nevadan desert for instance? I love that life takes me to unexpected places.

Golden Gate Bridge San Francisco 

4.    Sweden in July: I went from north to south this year basically. I have never before been to Österlen in the south east of Sweden and its spectacular nature and breath taking sceneries stuck to my heart. Summer is when Sweden shines in all her glory. Such a beautiful country! Sometimes I find Sweden and Costa Rica very much alike. For instance, the fact that nature varies greatly from place to place within both the two (small) countries.

One of the finest memories from the Österlen trip is when mom and me went to Kivik and ate for hours at the raw food restaurant. (Again: food!)

Norrland (Photo Credit: Ola Danielsson)

Norrland, Sweden (Photo Credit: Ola Danielsson)

Yes, it's a rain deer

Ale Stenar at Österlen

5.    Festivals in August: For August there is no better place to be than Småland. Heaps of stuff is going on all over: festivals, markets, harvest parties and what not. This year, I packed a car and went to a music festival in the forest. Mundekulla is about song, dance and love, created by and through the people attending. It will always warm my heart to think about it and I hope I get the chance to return every year.

My partner in crime (at least when it comes to yoga) and I grabbed our mats and jumped on a train bounded for Copenhagen a weekend in late August. The Copenhagen Yoga Festival is an outdoor event where you can try a variety of yoga styles, listen to lectures, snack yummy raw food, meet people from all over the world and even go into the ocean if you want to! It was a great weekend with, maybe, the last hot sun rays of summer. 

Las Salvajes

So, there you have it: my Highlights of 2013 -list! Now, I’m curious about what you enjoyed most this year. Tell me all about it in the comments below :)


Happy New Years and Pura Vida

Vad Gör Man i Växjö på Vintern?

Vad Händer i Växjö på Vintern? Här kommer en Topp 5!


Många, både i och utanför Sverige verkar tro att vintern i norr enbart handlar om kyla, mörker och mer kyla. Självklart är det kallt men man kan ju virka sina egna sockor, mössor, pannband, vantar och annat man kan tänkas behöva för att hålla sig varm- som folk gjort i alla tider! Vill man inte göra det själv så går det självklart bra att beställa från Made By Magie :)

Vintern är en tid för vila och att vända sig inåt. Särskilt november kan vara utmanande och ställa krav på att man möter sina inre demoner. Men sen i december börjar allt sakta förändras. Vi förbereder oss för något: att ljuset ska återvända! Detta händer på vintersolståndet den 21/22 december (för norra hemisfären). Hela december är som en väg av ljus för att påminna oss om att mörkret snart minskar. Under tiden kan vi passa på att njuta av en massa trevligheter runt omkring; svenskar verkar vara bra på att skapa utrymmen för att dela värme, musik och leenden.

Jag har skrivit den här listan till alla er som vill boosta vinterinspiration. För senaste nytt, spana in Växjös gratistidning och evenemangskalendern. Nedan listar jag några av mina favoritaktiviteter under december. 


1. Julmarknaden på Kulturparken Småland. Om du av en anledning eller annan letar julklappar så kan du både hitta innovativa presenter och bli inspirerad. Genom att besöka marknaden har du har möjlighet att stödja hantverkskonsten och uppmuntra unga konstnärer, eftersom designprogrammet även säljer sina alster. Både trevligare än stora shopping-gallerior och mer hållbart för vårt samhälle! Dessutom får du ju gå runt och mysa på museet en hel dag (varning för labyrintgångar!). 

2. En riktigt fin högtrycksdag med sol och lagom mycket kyla traskar jag gärna omkring i naturen, runt någon av Växjös många sjöar. På den här listan föreslår jag Bokhultet eftersom det ligger nära stan men ändå så pass långt iväg att det känns som man kommit ut på landet. Oljud från stadens tempo hörs inte här. Det är det bara fågelsång som gör. Ta en liten paus för att andas i skogen, njuta av solstrålarna och värmande ayurvediskt te eller choklad.

Ljusdekoration skapad av Moder Jord

3.  Samlas för värme, ljus och gemenskap genom Yoga och Kirtan. Håll koll på Yoga By Magie, Ananda Yoga, Kirtan och Veda för senaste nytt gällande workshops, jul-och nyårsyoga! 

4. Även om kristendom inte är din grej så är du fortfarande välkommen att lyssna på gratis konserter i kyrkan. Domkyrkan arrangerar ett flertal konserter under december och, ja, de är ofta baserade på sånger som tillhör den patriarkaliska religion som kallas Kristendomen. Men det spelar ingen roll eftersom musiken, värmen, tillhörigheten och de goda vibrationerna från sången ändå sänder ut kärlek som fyller bröstkorgen. Och Love is all you need! 

5. Den här punkten är något som jag rekommenderar att göra var du än är och närhelst i tiden du befinner dig: titta upp och lägg märke till detaljerna runt dig! Se skönheten i din hemstad (där man vanligen blir ”hemmablind”), lägg märke till livets underbara detaljer; både de skapade av Moder Jord och de som är planterade av människohand. Som glaskonsten på Sandgärdsgatan t.ex. Ta en paus i ditt fikande och promenera längs med glasgatan för att ge konsten lite extra uppmärksamhet innan du går vidare till nästa kaffe.

Så kryp ut ur era glögg-möten och njut av snön, ljusdekorationerna, marknaderna och musiken! Har du själv några sköna vintertips? Dela med dig av inspirerande ord och aktiviteter i kommentarerna nedan!

We are all love

We are all one




More Posts on Sweden

How To Enjoy Växjö During Winter

Top 5 in Växjö

Many people whom I have encountered on my travels seem to believe that winter in the North is only about cold, darkness and more cold. Yes, it is cold but you can make your own woollen socks, gloves, hats and what not to keep warm. And if you’re not up for making them yourself you can always buy from Made By Magie :)

Winter is a time for introspection and rest. Especially November, and then in December it is starting to change. We are preparing for something: the light to return! This happens on the winter solstice 21st of December (for the Northern hemisphere). All of December is like a path of light to remind us that it will soon change. In the meantime, there is so much around us to enjoy! Get-togethers and happenings are things Swedes are good at during winter: get warm together by sharing smiles and songs!

I made this lis for all of you who thought winter (and Växjö in particular) was all about drinking alcohol to get warm. And, for those of you who want some winter inspiration of course! Here are some of the things I enjoy during winter in Vtown.


1.    Let’s start on December 1st with the Xmas market at Kulturparken Småland. This market is huge, and where you are guaranteed to find innovative Xmas gifts and get inspired enough for a month! Attending this event also means that you support the art of handicraft and young artists in their work, since the design programme from Uni sells their art at the market. Oh, plus the fact that you can muse around the museum for hours, trying to find your way around (out)! Continue the afternoon with the market on the street Storgatan, called Julskyltningen.


2.  On a sunny, preferably cold instead of wet, day I like to walk by one of Växjö’s many lakes. Here, I’m suggesting Bokhultet since it’s close enough to town but far away enough to feel like the countryside. Town noises don’t reach here. The sunrays and bird singing do though. Take a break and breathe in the forest. Also, bring hot tea or cacao with warming spices

Light decoration created by Mother Earth

3. During all of December you are most likely to find me at Veda Yoga, where there is always something going on in terms of yoga-and-mantra workshops, donation classes on Friday mornings and my personal favorite (which has become a tradition when I’m in Sweden): Xmas yoga.


4.  Maybe you’re not into religion and it doesn’t really matter because you are still welcome to enjoy the free concerts in church. Domkyrkan in town arranges heaps of concerts during December, and yes they are based on songs from the suppressing patriarchal religion named Christianity. However, the music, the warmth and togetherness through good vibrations from the singing are still sending out love. And love is all you need!

5. This is something I’d like to encourage you to do whenever and wherever you are: to look up and see the details around you! See the beauty in your hometown, notice life’s lovely details both those created by Mother Nature and those put there by human hand. Like the glass art at Sandgärdsgatan for instance. Bored much? Stroll down that street and give the artwork an extra look, as a pause between your fikas (coffee).

So, get out of your glögg-gatherings people and enjoy the snow, the light decorations, the markets and the music! Please share with me what you enjoy with winter in the comments below!


We are all one

We are all love



More Posts on Sweden

December and Expansion of the Heart

November in Scorpio was challenging. Past issues knocking, wanted to come up to the surface and to be dealt with. Today, New Moon is in Sagittarius and I’m sure most of us felt the release of pressure already yesterday. Even the weather gave us a new light: a breath of spring. December and Sagittarius is about peace and joy. Open your heart even more to invite the softness and smiles we so longed for in November! Sing with me, the mantra of love:

Aham Prema

I am Divine Love


Sing it to yourself in the morning and feel the softness in your chest and the expansion of your heart and, thus, the fourth chakra.

For many cultures, December is about traditions and holidays. This year, I’m trying to figure out what Swedes do. I love people-watching and what better time than Xmas time, when people cheerfully walk around the Xmas market and sing songs in church and on the streets! So this last weekend (first of advent weekend) I attended both church and various Xmas markets around town. 

I am not to comment the patriarchal concept these traditions derive from (religion) but quietly reflect on the old paradigm. Only 4 % of the Swedish population go to church for religious (Christian) reasons anyway. Let us expand our hearts to be open for the songs, smiles, warmth and the love that we are. Listen to the Sagittarius New Moon asking us to question our perceptions of reality and find out what is true to us. What is true for you?

Take a moment and think about that while you watch this powerful video and song. Thanks to Ola for the sharing!

One Love and Pura Vida

More on Travels Within

Nymåneprognos Oxen 15 maj 2018

Häromdagen hörde jag mig själv säga "Jag måste våga mindre och safea mer!"

Så fick jag stanna upp ett par andetag; hur menade jag nu? LÄS MER

How to eliminate asthma and allergies with natural means!

Finding Fire in the Cold

The third chakra is about doing. The yellow. The Fire. Do you want your dreams to come true? Then you need the fire in your belly to glow.

As it gets colder and darker outside here in the Northern hemisphere, I find it harder to maintain a strong fire within. Makes sense really; rain is putting the fire out. The Vata weather is trying to break down the sunny heat, but we want to keep balance.

So, at the same time as we want to cuddle up inside and maybe do some traveling within, we need to make sure that the fire won’t go out- or it’ll be way too cold.

Some firey memories from this summer's yoga festival

As always, my yoga mat is my answer. On my mat I travel within and on my mat I find my fire. To clarify: the easiest way to get more fire is through the body. Do something physical. Personally, I enjoy (and many times find it easier) rolling out my mat together with others- sharing and spreading light through the darkness. Or, like this memory from a Swedish festival I attended this summer:

If you want more inspiration about doing check out my latest rebelle article!

This is a good time to get to that doing. On Sunday, November 3rd, we have a New Moon Solar Eclipse talking about renewal, rebirth and be your authentic self. Is there something you’ve always wanted to do, do you want a change, or maybe just more fire? Now is the time.

How did you guys do with creativity? Are you experiencing that autumn months make you loose motivation and willpower? Contribute in the comments below :)

Love and light & Pura Vida


More Articles on Sweden

Stories from the North
Travel the worlds, within and without

My journeys without led and lead me deeper within. As I began to travel deeper within, I saw and started to understand Change even more...

Highlights of 2014